[OW2] A possible Future for Supports

I think its not going to pan out like that

I played fortnite, cod and destiny myself, and im a support main here. New players will play roles at about the same rate as everyone else, no reason to think they are all screwed to playing damage

I dont expect a ton of pure cod players to jump ship anyway. they have a new one coming out soon


As a support main I get way more satisfaction in supporting my team by other means not raw damage and kills. Providing utility or heals is why I play support. If I wanted to focus on kills and damage I’d play a different role. I have a feeling most people who typically gravitate toward support roles, across games, feel similarly.

With these kinds of solutions, I feel that people are trying to solve the problem of how to dissolve the now massive amount of DPS players into other roles instead of how to re-inspire the kinds of support players Overwatch first enticed. The solution OP brought up addresses the former, but, then at that point, when do we just remove roles altogether and everyone becomes either a DPS or DPS-lite role?

I hate it.


I could be wrong, but they said 2 of the 3 post launch heroes they have in the pipeline are supports. I think we’ll either get support tank support or support dps support.

I certainly didn’t play mostly Medic in my TF2 days to go on saw or needle rampages, uber/kritz was great to pull off.

Support is fine though? It doesn’t need a major swap, it just needed a few balance tweaks and to wait while more adjust

I don’ understand why any of this is needed, support has a good direction in OW2.

It’s an interesting idea, but I don’t think this will solve queue times with 1-2-2. Asking 40% of players to queue for healer in any video game is a completely unrealistic goal. It’s not a problem specific to Overwatch. If you buff healers sufficiently (but not unfairly), then you’ll keep players that like playing healers in the game, but you’re not going to remove the preference for dps or hit anywhere close to 40% healers in the queue.

That said, these sorts of changes could be a path to 1-3-1 by transitioning responsibility for healing to passive regen and health packs. And wapping to 1-3-1 would fix queue times. But, I think you could simplify this a lot.

Just keep these:

And add:

Supports don’t need to be more DPS-like in 1-3-1, but they will need some compensation for being the only Support on the field (and hence as high priority to kill as the Tank).