OW Tank Philosophy/Football Analogy

What do you imagine in a good match of overwatch? If youre tanking what do you like to play, and if youre a dps or support, what tanks do you prefer? Team comp isnt everything compared to the cause and effect decision making that players make second by second that ultimately shape the events of a team fight. But how the team fight starts and unravels is just like how a game of chess begins.

The frontline units start taking space on each other. Even if one team is defending in an idle position, the other team is forced to engage, so you can always expect opponents to close the gap on you. The tempo of a fight really starts when the dive tanks engage, or the anchor tanks collide. This is my favorite part of overwatch. If youve ever watched football after they hike the ball, evereyone has their own job and they try not to make mistakes, and they try to keep tabs on their surroundings for opportunities. If ana is my quarter back so to speak, the outputter of heals and nades to keep my team in the fight longer, then as a tank im always in position to help my frontline or backline. Either the backline is actively supporting me, or I am dropping whats infront of me to go and peel for my backline. (staying in unison)

The best parts of overwatch is the intense team fights. When the pressure is on, imagine squid games with the tug of war, youre trying to stay alive and not slip up. Get the first picks, snowball the rest. The enemy team might have good hitscans and dps but if you can stay alive long enough to frag the enemy tanks, youve pretty much won the team fight as the other team has to regroup.
Learning to not die to dps, including all the annoying ones to face like widow, doom, genji, tracer, is key for every role. Back to the football thing, the quarterback throwing the ball to the receiver is like a support helping one tank take down another tank. The quarterback could be sacked, his throw could be blocked or intercepted, but if he makes the throw thats value locked down. The dps are random variables that try to disrupt the play, but the ultimate interactions usually involve the tanks and the ana nades and discords and immortality fields (support utility) that go with it.

If im on ana and a nano blade is coming at me that i probably wont live through, just even getting a good nade off and nano on your tank before you die can win the fight for your team. Going into ow2 people think they should play more differently “tdm feel” and you can play however you want but im always for a unified team that can rush down whatevers in front of them.


What tank/DPS/support I should play? That will depend on the map and what heroes my teammates pick, as well as the enemies.

In OW1 at least, a good fight usually takes place when both teams are similar in skill. So the game won’t just end up one sided.

This is an absolute fact. Too bad it’s nonexistent in OW 2: 5v5 Deathmatch.


how is 6v6 vs 5v5 any different?

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Did you play the beta? The subtraction of a tank destroyed safety for the healers and DPS. The tanks are now high HP DPS players.

The game is an amped version of team death match now.


ur totally incorrect with that statement, no “safety” lost

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I’m watching Tracer one clip Zen right now.

a tracer can always be a threat to zen, especially with one clip potential, TWO TANKS or one. If the tracer is doing too much you need to be responsible and play a counter like lucio or moira

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I’m just wait to see what happen when most player understand that OW2 is not more Overwatch

I always treat OW similar to a game of Madden. I like to focus on each team fight (every down) and be like “what can I do to help my team right now?”

I’m always reevaluating my options and trying not to focus too much on the big picture, because I feel that if the fundamentals are strong, everything else will fall into place. It doesn’t always work out, ofc, but it helps me stay in a positive mindset and build core habits that I would appreciate in others on my team.