OW is well balanced

I have the replays since I haven’t played in the last two days. That’s proof, though I don’t know how to share them.

Can you take my word for it? Scout’s honor, it’s true. It’s not even an unusual thing for me to see.

All I can think of is that the Genji you played into was boosted low rank with zero skill and the Junkrat was a dropped GM or masters player due to the awful state of the hero.

Or you had a Genji and a Junkrat.

Genji just shouldn’t lose to Junkrat ever unless there are three or more ranks of discrepancy. Even before the buffs, that was true.

I had two matches where the vs occurred. Two different people each time, one Genji, one Junkrat. Both games same thing. Junkrat outplays the Genji, throws mines around the deflect and gets more value than the Genji. And like I said, this is hardly the first time I’ve seen this sort of thing.

Remember, an Overwatch match is rarely just X hero vs Y hero. Whichever team is getting more value is going to win.

Well, I guess it’s possible. Stats show that Junkrat remains a godawful pick and Genji is overwhelmingly the best DPS and probably the best hero, though.

I’m guessing that Genji is not a Genji player at all or the Junkrat is a dropped masters/GM player.

That, Mitrovarr, I am not arguing against. Genji is overpowered right now, in my opinion. I am simply arguing that for the vast majority of Overwatch players, must picks are not a reality. In my experience, they simply are not.

I basically had to start going Reinhardt when he got super buffed, though. I’d lose every single game on Orisa, my previously best tank.

So for me in that case Reinhardt was a must pick. And forced me out of tanking entirely, because I hate playing him.

Here’s the replay code to one of the games I was talking about. I’ve never done this before:


Bro, I feel you there. I refuse to play Reinhardt. I’m bad at him (despite a lot of experience) and don’t enjoy playing him. So I play Sigma instead. Or Ball. Or I play Zarya along with some else’s Rein. And I can beat Reins as Sigma, straight up. Love countering his ult with mine and eating all his firestrikes. :smiley:

It will be a while before I can see it. I’m not at home.

It just means every hero has something to offer.
deflect for example will always deflect no matter how long it is or if you can cancel it or not.
Of course they will try their best to make it as balanced as they can.
But it doesn’t mean every hero is balanced.

Balancing is made out of a lot of things: duration,hp/damage, kit combination,play style, countering,synergy, maps,meta,role,comparision to other heroes.
It’s really hard making sure each and every hero is balanced and good, they do their best but sometimes they don’t balance a hero in the right way.

Remember win rate can also by effected by your team and the enemies…
A lot of heroes can enable other heroes giving them more value than they have.

So sure, win rate will always be close to 50%, they don’t want to kill a character or make it op.
But it’s obvious some heroes are better than others.
having more maps they’re good at, having a strong synergy with other heroes, countering more heroes and etc…

Besides usually a good hero will be picked in both teams making it closer to 50-50 since one team lose and one win, and a bad hero will be chosen so little that he’s only gonna be picked in places you can get value out of it.

People enjoy having value, so picking Bastion for example with hog-zarya will not be really that common since most players want to win or at least to do what they can in order to have fun.

Don’t worry about it. I get the feeling at this point, you believe me and are somewhat open to my POV. I appreciate it.

Was a fun game though. Hope you enjoy!

You literally just described the 20XX meme in Melee.

Why bother with 99% of the roster when you can just practice Fox and hope you get port priority.

its well balanced relative to past metas but improvement is still necessary.

You have to remember that you are 1/6th of your team. Yeah, maybe Bastion falls between the +/- 3% WR but when he is picked, he is simply a part of probably a full meta team. Does picking Bastion win you that game, no. Does having a better team than the enemy team lead to a win? Usually. I would rather see this as a praise of Bliz’s matchmaking rather than a praise of their hero balance - as picking a Pharah-mercy in gold will probably just win you a game - though the matchmaking eventually catches up and you lose because of a poor team or self limitations.


This game is about as balanced as a Mcdonalds meal being considered healthy

Sigma is broken, Genji’s overtuned besides that the balance is pretty good.

Three ideas to make the game even better now that the game is decently balanced:

  • Comp Mystery Heroes
  • Comp 2-2-2 Mystery Roles/Heroes
  • Fix SR System for Swapping Heroes below Diamond
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Well-balanced is a matter of perspective, but I think what is clear is that the game balance is not nearly in the dire straits that the forum denizens seem to think it is.

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i actually think that OW has way worse problems, like the lack of new heroes

50% winrate manipulation confirmed

The difference is Overwatch can be balanced.

The Melee forums would have daily threads called “it’s been 19 years and Bowser is still F-tier.”