OW content creators are really panicked

There are a bunch of clickbait journalists out there spreading misinformation about OW2. That cannot be denied. Best to wait until the game comes out and play it for yourself and make your own judgments.

Any examples of reputable gaming outlets spreading misinformation?

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But the articles that AVRL quoted were factually correct. The titles for some of these articles are definitely clickbait but “Misinformation” ???

I’m starting to think that OW fans don’t know what Misinformation actually means. It’s giving “Fake News!” All over again

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For some, they probably don’t think they can. Some T500 Reinhardt/Mercy/Winston/etc is not going to translate into the top on an actual pure FPS shooter game.

Some tried other games, and get stomped. Not to say they couldn’t practice and ‘git gud’, but the fear is there that if OW dies, their fanbase of people who come to watch the top level play are not going to stick around to watch them be mediocre in another game.

Their whole streaming persona is tied to a game and not the creator themselves.

And that’s why some of them are shilling hard for OW2.

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I’m was sure that people should bee poorshamed in this game, well, the game is not even out and people already are poorshamimg people here in the forums…

Blizzard and many players need to learn that free to play games need free player to work. Whales need someone to play against and with, and need someone to show their fancy new dress :dress:


Could it be because their source of income has been completely wrecked and tarnished because of monetary design focus rather than gameplay focus from Blizzard, leaving a shell of what it once was, which is actually a steaming pile of crap?

No, it can’t be.


Blizzard already said they are special “partners” so now they are on the payroll and blizz has to use its little minions to make a good impression of this mess of a game

Sounds like a terrible business model.

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Wow, who do I trust at face value? The content creators who have a financial incentive to prop up the game and build hype so they have more content to increase viewership? Or the media outlets who love stirring the pot to get clicks from sensationalist headlines?

Answer: Neither. I treat both as extreme outliers that will only highlight the good or bad as it fits whatever narrative brings in the most income.

However, that said, from what I’ve seen with my own eyes from hands-on experience and Blizzard’s own press releases, in terms of Blizzard’s overall package for OW2: I expect it to continue to be a dumpster fire of tonedeaf/P2W balancing decisions, painful monetization and grindwalls, and a poorly implemented and maintained code that carries forward bugs from literally six or more years ago (seriously – ice wall bugs from at least as early season 3 were still present in OW2 beta 2).

I would like them to course correct and see OW2 to succeed, but for every good thing Blizzard does, they do several negative things to kill any goodwill they would have earned.


Blizzard is dead, long live activision blizzard.

I really want literally anyone in this thread that thinks all games journalism outlets do whatever “get clicks” from “sensationalist” headlines to explain how you think traffic, or revenue in these things work

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The content creators have lost the plot.
No wonder they are supporting this rubbish coming from Blizzard when there are now more Twitch drops coming.

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They have no choice, they have to peddle the kool-aid because if the game tanks as hard as it looks like it will, they’re out of a job.

Sure. You see, when you go to one of these sites, they serve up ads. Often these ads bring in a tiny amount of revenue just by being displayed, but then there’s a bit more to be made for users that actually click on the ads (click-through rate). And in some cases, if the user clicks through and then makes a purchase or uses the advertised service, that brings in even MOAR revenue. It’s why you often see articles split across multiple “pages” in many cases, or have a new ad every time the “infinite scroll” loads the next chunk of the page.

And then you have some sites that are supported through subscriptions, and they give you some number of views of their site “free” and ask the user to pay to unlock more views. More clicks on their articles will trigger the paywall sooner.

There are probably some still purely free or crowd funded sites out there yet – but even they have an incentive to grab a potential reader’s attention by any means necessary to build an audience.

Any other questions?

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Yeah - what makes you positive about “any means necessary” or that they “build a narrative” across articles and articles?

You clearly know about ad revenue but you do not know about the impact of SEO on traffic nor do you seem to be aware of how coverage or articles actually get produced.

yea… they were used by blizzard to get free ad revenue in exchange for happy content creators getting a slight boost in their views by providing them with new information so they can make their best damn videos ever.