OW content creators are really panicked

Not if they joined to play a specific hero. Perhaps it will not matter to some, or even most. But it will matter to a group, and I feel awful that their experience is fettered just so Blizzard can appease the anti-smurf crowd. Not cool.

I have the opposite opinion. Adding battle pass shenanigans to the article would only serve to cause more confusion as it is irrelevant to this specific issue.

Well I am talking about the general population.

I’m not saying they should add “battle pass shenanigans” to the headline. Just something referencing the FTUE system or whatever to clearly outline the fact that this is a separate system to the battle pass one.

Anyway, we can already see the drastic effect that articles with headlines like those are having in that very Twitter thread that the OP linked. The news they’re talking about absolutely did not warrant such an angry response from the readers, so clearly something’s not right lol.

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Okay, maybe you are right. No mention of the FTUE system is a bit sus. I honestly do not read Twitter, I know you tried to tell me earlier; however, to be perfectly honest, I would expect them to not understand even if we had journalists that were paid off.

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Well yee, the content creators have invested years in building up a community based around overwatch.
They need overwatch 2 to thrive

They seem to really like picking one in particular on twitter at least. Was scrolling through it earlier and they were all quoting the same person over and over.

There are literally people quote-tweeting official tweets saying that they won’t buy the game when the thing they quoted clearly says it’s free.


Yeah I kinda leaned heavily on my perception of the player base side vs outsiders looking in. I know we don’t always agree but we at least all share the same common interest here.

I shouldn’t had been so dismissive of either side. I just found it impossible to not be while looking down upon such Reporting written like such. While none of such is even seriously one of my actual concerns at all whatsoever.

Bro, have you seen the information people have been releasing about OW2 in the past few days? Go on Twitter alone and you’ll see the problem.

I’m fine with people disliking OW2 after hearing what the game will be like. I’m not fine with people making up fake information and fake news just to stir the pot and make OW2 look bad. If you don’t like the game, talk about why you don’t like it. Don’t, instead, create some BS story for clicks.

A good example is a tweet with close to 20k that claims that all the current OW heroes will be locked until we all play 100 games. It’s a half-truth but still wildly different from reality.

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Welcome to the clickbait era.
Even this thread is claiming “panic” when its more annoyance really.

Every title is getting 1 thing, boosting it 500% and adding “spicy” words to get the click.
We will see a lot of articles following this trend, things like:
Overwatch 2 is coming out, … but only half baked
Blizzard makes Overwatch 2 free to play … and its worse than you thought

If we count all the articles with OW2 on its title, I bet 8/10 would follow that format. Its just a sad state of affairs but hey … free clicks, free money!

Theres literally a thread here claiming SMS alerts are racist. We are going down the drain too.

CCs should be worried. The game is hardly changing for OW2. Same game, different number of players on each team and 3 new heroes. That’s not something that is going to bring back followers long-term. People that got tired of watching OW played over and over by these CCs are not going to find anything more than novelty value from OW2 and be gone within a month.

There will be a short-term bump in revenue for them then the decline will happen and they will be back to where they are now pretty quickly. Maybe a small blip each time a new hero is released but even that will stop being a novelty pretty soon.

I wouldn’t like to be a CC right now if my income depended on OW.

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It is all 1000% deserved. When this comes crashing down these people can go get a real job maybe, because content creation specifically of games, should never be taken seriously. Content creators are generally only in it for the money too and I do not truly care if it’s their livelihood, they are advocating for further destruction of the game and it isn’t an opinion, it is a fact.

However, blatant shilling and defensiveness of things that are beyond bad are basically unforgivable. Be mad at Blizzard, not the people who don’t know, don’t care, or weren’t going to have anything to do with OW/2 anyways. The only thing at fault here is just Blizzard and more specifically their psychotically greedy CEO who should be in jail and yet here we are.

Everything that has happened with OW has truly opened my eyes to how :poop: our world really is, humanity itself is just beyond doomed. Things are terrible for OW/2 right? And instead of anyone doing anything useful they just thumb twiddle and do as the evil man says, but then you look at the rest of the world and all this :poop: happens everywhere with every company/corporation or branding of some kind. Everything lines up the rich/government and good things take the beating because of this.

The red flags have been here, the scandals are never ever going to be forgotten too and honestly, I don’t care if “the OW team had nothing to do with it” they’re under Blizzard’s name, and they will take some hits for it no matter what, but it also doesn’t help that while those scandals were ongoing, they have abandoned entire games, and monetized the :poop: out of everything in the most unfair ways imaginable at this point. And only the truly mindless people sit here with stupid smiles on their faces as the storm slowly reaches us.

As OW2 fast approaches and it will probably not do as well as I would have preferred, just remember. If Kotick was not here and these scandals had not happened we likely would have gotten the real OW2, the one Jeff had envisioned that will always be infinitely superior because that’s how OW2 should have launched even if we had waited for much longer.

I am so heartbroken that I can do nothing, I can’t tell these creators to stop being children. I can’t take the rose-tinted glasses off of the shills around here and convince anyone of the horrendous mess that is about to hit. It hurts, my favorite game, one of them anyways, is going to be trashed and beaten all for the sake of quick money to fund Uncle Bobby’s next yacht. Why do we live in such a horrific world where nothing gets done, and no one cares unless it benefits them directly, especially for .5 seconds of dopamine hits?

I just can’t fathom how more people seem so uncaring on these issues.

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I mean, reading those one should have been prepared to ignore whole article later on, i dont get much out of reading some people comment on games and their future, when it could be even questioned if they even plan to play it after some free acces they forced to play for article.
I rather ask friend on discord on their opinion.

That is what you get for shilling I guess.

The problem is that OW Content creators wanted OW to go free to play because they wanted some of that F2P audience they lost during the OW dead time. Of course it was a terrible idea. They wanted a solution for OW1, but Blizz took that and ran with it, bringing it to OW2. They were listening to Content creators all along the way. They continue to focus on what the content creators want and invite them to events and get their advice. When they have no audience left, they have nobody to blame but themselves. They deserve whatever they get.

Yes, I’m saying a lot of the content creators are to blame for this mess. Blizzard absolutely listens to them and most of this nonsense comes directly from their mouths.


Your whole post is wrong and that’s why content creators have to reacts against peoples like you that want a game to flop just because he doesn’t get what he wants

The game flopping is the only chance it has for a change because right now it really isn’t good.


Internet fake celebrities defend a potential income source that they already invested time and effort into?

What else is new? water is wet and the sky is blue?

This is correct, and I’d throw in everyone associated with OWL as also having way too much influence and begging for this kind of F2P model for years.

There are OWL personalities who openly admit they hate playing the game, with a huge platform to advocate for anti-player changes that will never affect them as players.


It really took OW2 to make you realise this? OW2 is not the problem. The way the world economy works is the problem. You cannot run an economy based on growth without having to destroy everything around you in order to grow every year. Nothing to do with OW2 and can’t be fixed because the rich are in charge and the system benefits them.


Names? I’ve only watched Bellular and YourOverwatch about it so far.