OW 2 Taking Extremely Long To Launch

The game was launching perfectly until yesterday but today all the sudden the game when i click play. Everything freezes i am unable to even load browser on the side. I have to wait for 2-3 min and then the game starts. I thought it might have to do with my old SDD but i ve just bought the latest and greatest SSD and im running AMD 3600, RAM 12GB GTX 970. updated all my windows and motherboard drivers as well.

Can someone please assist on how i can fix this issue as now having to wait 2-3 mins every time i launch the game while having a fast computer is long.

Thank you in advance

Do you use Bitdefender? If so this might help:



Thank you good sir that fixed it for me :slight_smile:

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Thanks so much, this has been such an ANNOYING issue! This fixed it :smiley:

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