OW 2 Combat healing debuff

In the OW 2 build OWL players played you get -25% healing for 4 seconds after taking damage.

I knew the devs were planning to reduce healing because of one less tank to heal and a 1 less hero doing damage, but I’m gonna be honest this is a dumb change. So a hero like mercy had her base heal dropped to 50 hps and with the debuff will do 37.5 hps which is kind of useless.

Clip from Super’s stream explaining this: clips.twitch.tv/RespectfulMotionlessSalamanderFailFish-5tj36qqTz28Sl9QZ


Do you have a source for this? Something really did seem off, this sounds pretty bad to me.

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Super discussed his experiences playing OW 2 on stream. Searching for clip.


Sounds great! Should help fights dragging out forever. :slight_smile:

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That… is really dumb. Just decrease overall healing outright. It’s really dumb to have a feature which has no visible indicator that it’s happening, and serves only to confuse lower ranked players and overall hurts the experience.

I don’t think it would be a bad idea to reduce healing overall, but I also think giving most or all healers some sort of cooldown which increases their raw healing output would be a good idea.

Sort of like how Lucio can amp to temporarily increase his output - something like this could easily be implemented across the board to force players to make a decision when they need to just start pumping out heals.


That’s like… actually terrible. Mix in anti nade and the enemy team gets basically no healing for up to 7-8 secs if I’m not mistaken


That idea better not make it live. It literally kills the pure healers and penalizes you for not doing dps. Mercy would be garbage tier, damage boost can’t make up for the missing damage. Zen’s going to be meta. Not because he’s the strongest, but because he’s not the weakest.


Thanks! I’ll edit that!


This is actually a clever feature that allows healers to heal at max speed outside of fights whilst simultaneously reducing healing during fights.

Don’t be so shortsighted… :wink: :upside_down_face: :thinking:


Is it so serious that you guys should make 2 post?

That’s a massive over simplification. You need to look at it in the context of breakpoints not just total hp. Plus this post was made before the other one.


Although I guess instead of a debuff, it should be an out-of-combat buff.

Like 10sec out of combat gives 50% more heals.

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Just make so mercy is an exception to the rule. Maybe Lucio too. That way you can make them feel different and give Mercy an actual reason to be used. Like the medic in TF2

I’m actually impressed with blizzard here, yeah. This is literally how it should always have been. TF2 is the only shooter I know to have successfully pulled off a pure healer in a shooter, and it required this mechanic. Blizzard should have taken way more attention towards the mechanics of the game they were trying to emulate, as valve know a lot more about shooter design than blizz. Now all we need is movement acceleration confirmed.

Yeah that’s kinda what you’d want somehow. Less bulk heals in Ana/Moira.

But not messing with flimsy heals.

Maybe they make it a threshold like “Anything above 65hps gets this penalty”.

Which could also apply to heal stacking. Like let’s say mercy heal beam + zen heal, might have some reduction.

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Yeah, sounds great. But imo Zen needs a small rework either to his attack or defensive(he doesn’t have any) abilities. While all of the other heroes from the other classes might not need many changes to feel good he really needs something like a passive to keep him alive.

Me as Moira: “Damage orb it is.”

Like seriously, as a Moira main when i fill support, i was already kinda baffled how her attempted rework changed her damage orb in a way that made the healing orb the obviously superior choice rather than an equivalent. Atleast this would have encouraged a support playstyle with her.

You want support players that acts like borderline DPS? This is how you get supports that plays like they were dps.

Honestly I feel like this is a better way to solve healing creep than a straight up healing reduction. This is pretty much how it works in TF2.

Yeah but tf2 is a 12 v 12 game. Healers aren’t as crucial and they dont become as evident if 1 goes down. Like sure medic is insanely useful but i feel like its gonna hurt a lot more in OW2 given the smaller team sizes.

Also this affects mainly sustain healing like the medigun, burst healing are not affected by this afaik.


Sure, but I’m liking the idea of healing reduction. Makes fights drag on less. I’ve always been a big supporter of making supports less healing-focused and more utility-focused.

We’ve been spoiled by massive sustain for too long.