Overwatch's racism problem

By using it in your own context and taking away it’s meaning. Not by banning it, making it a mythical and legendary symbol and making it exclusive to the baddies, even though it’s a commonly used symbol/gesture/saying/whatever.

Think about it man, why give ground. The modern left is truly the political embodiment of Wimp Lo. Newsflash, the my-face-to-your-foot style doesn’t actually work…

This is a problem I have in general with sports, and can understand it completely.

It’s not about someone being Korean or anything else, but if a team takes a location’s name it should feature players from that locale. Their heritage or race is irrelevant, but they should be from that area.

Once my local team starts hiring players from all over the place they quit representing my area - it’s no longer a question of “who has the better players, TX or South Korea?” but rather “who managed to hire the better players, owner a who happens to be based in TX or owner b who happens to be based in Korea?”

It takes a lot of meaning out of the teams and homogenizes them.

They are still both widely known from past events. The ok sign has no history of being used for anything until this point.

Your example is just not very good.

YOU GIVE IT NEW MEANING. That’s why they do it, it’s something arbitrary and stupid it’s a dog whistle. You BAN IT to not be associated with it. Why do you think the cubs banned a guy for it, why do you think Blizzard shut it down they want to be disassociated with such things.

AS I’ve said before context is what matters, they take it and contextualize it to their agenda. You can do it, anyone can do it, but when looked at it can be associated with certain groups because they have adopted it. You run the risks of possibly being identified as one of them if you do it.

Also if it is whatever then just use something else, say ok, use the peace sign. It’s fine if only the ‘baddies’ use it because they’re the ones who have perpetuated it into their own sign. How about you think about what context is, why someone bad giving something context is bad, and stop blaming the left for everything.

You don’t know if I’m left or right but I don’t have the patience for people who don’t even know what dog whistling is.

I’m asking you a simple question, i will ask again. If racism and facism are unpopular should we allow them to be presented in the present day? Also the ‘ok sign’ literally means ok in a different context. BUT again has been contextualized by ‘bad people’ into something else.

Answer the question or you can admit that it is a sign used by racist people and companys can disassociate themselves with it.

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They’re reinforcing the meaning ascribed to it BY these fringe groups. How is that hard to understand? By virtue signalling and having a kneejerk reaction, they aren’t giving it a new meaning or keeping it what it was, they are literally empowering the people who want to use it as a symbol of racism/oppression/whatever!

What do you mean by “presented”.

There is no need for reinforcement when it is literally being used in their full context. These GROUPS are the issue, they adopted it. You cannot change that. I am giving you basic understanding here in its purest form. If someone ‘bad’ adopts something that thing again for the third time becomes a s s o c i a t e d with them. Do you know what associated means? It means it becomes related in the context they use it.

There is no empowering when it is already being used and perpetuated by them. They RE giving it a new meaning BECAUSE THEY USE IT IN THEIR OWN CONTEXT. I keep saying the word I swear I will get you a dictionary, turn to the Cs and let you read the definition of context out loud.

They ARE giving it a new meaning. That’s why it was banned, that’s why it’s so weird. There is no virtue signaling, for the love of god now you’re just using buzz words. If you ban something that is associated with racist, facist or generally bad people that is not virtue signaling. If Blizzard banned Klan uniforms is that virtue signaling? The guys are just dressed as ghost? Heck if Blizzard banned swastikas are they virtus signaling? if Blizzard banned the Ok sign, then said ‘oh we denounce racism’ that isn’t virtue signaling. It’s called caution.

They actively flaunt it, call it KK uniforms, call it national socialist flags now open in the breeze, discriminating against people because of who they are. Since they are unpopular, to you it’s okay right?

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Ofc not but the thing is, as we know from history, the use of those symbols have been forbidden after they have become widely popular and unmistakable. Other symbols like skulls and stuff also have been featured in uniforms but as we know, skulls aren’t banned from use.

I asked you this simply, so if we can ban these things why not ban signs that are associated with bad people in their new context? it’s not banned for society just yet but it is a method of deplatforming them. Why is that wrong?

Also you keep arguing history, who had skulls and stuff features in uniforms? You mean the ‘totenkopf’ which is German for skull and cross bones? That is a symbol associated with death which is why you may only see certain German officers with them on back around WWll or you may see old pictures of other nations with it.

It’s not so much associated with them as say the swastika is. Why do you think right now we don’t see white supremacist use the skull and bones? They have no use for it.

Anywho, why can we not ban the new symbols? Or deplatform attempts to make these new symbols relevant?

This game is the only place where I ever experience such weird confrontations/discussions at all.
Since I play this game by choice, it is my business how I deal with it.

yea blizzard is not doing enough against racism

traditional sports are doing things against racism all the time… they need to do it as well

I’ve had discussions with Hana, and trust me there is no point.

He/She will not address your questions, and will cherry pick things you say.

I think at some point he/she just ignores my comments.

I applaud and commend your efforts.

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Ah, well that’s a shame. Thank you for the heads up.

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Because nothing prevents them from keep changing it endlessly if it is not widely established. Next time they can chose to use the smiley emote for all we know.

It… It has been estab… woof woof woof woof

Yeah, what you say is true. Koreans generally are the best players therefore they’re who’s going to be on the most teams.

Bad people do bad things to make gains in popular conscious.


Tbh I can’t wait for these people to adopt the rainbow flag and for the useful idiots to say “Well they’ve taken it now, I guess we’ll have to ban it. There’s no other choice…” Maybe then the smoothbrained virtue signallers will realise how badly they’ve played themselves.


It’s never too late for Moira popcorn

No it’s not… It’s literally rated T for teen.

This “safe space” concept is so… ironically toxic in a way

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