Overwatch's racism problem

Right, it’s hard to say that anything is inherently racist or bigoted or whatever else. It’s all about context, and a lot of people who defend the trihard spam (which, again, only happens when Malik is on camera…) seem to feign ignorance of the emote’s broader significance on twitch and the context it’s used in the vast majority of the time.

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See, that is actually racist… and it’s not common.

I frequent Wyoming’s OWL thread all the time, I haven’t experienced anyone saying anything remotely racist. Trust me if something was said he’d be the first one to call it out,warn, flag, report.

But you are right it does go on Twitch and what not, not sure the devs can do anything though. Best thing we can do is defend others who we see are getting abused and report.

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Yeah Wyoming’s OWL threads are honestly always super friendly and positive. I’ve only been hanging out in them the past few weeks, but I’ve really enjoyed doing so.


Because people with terrible opinions and personalities have internet access and some of them bought a copy of Overwatch.

Think of the worst possible opinion you can muster. Somone on this planet thinks it’s a good idea/viewpoint.

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Right? Exactly probably the most chill moments in the forum are those threads in my opinion.


Pinapple on pizza.

:rage: :face_vomiting: :rage: :face_vomiting: :rage:


Like rotating a symbol of peace into a symbol of hate.

Facebook has plenty of evidence for that xD

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Probably not but best not to use that out of respect

Respect for who?

People who got fooled by 4chan.


I don’t think they are, but even IF they are that isn’t racism. Learn the definitions of words before giving your wrong opinion.


I wouldn’t say not to use it “out of respect”, but rather to be aware of the fact that a lot of people took that meme from 4chan and turned it into a satire-and-irony-drenched device that allows them to express a disgusting belief and have plausible deniability whenever anyone calls them out for it, because quite frankly it seems absurd to get upset over the ok hand (whether in real life or the emoji). This is intentional, and these groups continue to invent new ways of doing the same thing, always taking something seemingly innocuous and twisting it, with the intention being to make anyone who points it out seem ridiculous.

So again it’s all about context. I’m honestly kinda apprehensive to talk about it on here because it’s such a disgusting topic and it’s inherently political and racial and all that, but there are a lot of examples of people making that gesture who are doing it in a very different way than someone who just nailed a sweet three pointer in a basketball game or a scuba diver who’s telling their diving partner that they still have plenty of oxygen in their tank. Context.


This is partly why I don’t watch the OWL. It’s mainly players from one geographical area on all the teams. I won’t bash them for being good.

Lets make sure to tip toe around every variation of everything as not to offend. Sorry, not going to do that myself. Other people can if they want to, but I will not bend to political correctness. Not now, not never.


trihard 7 is not exactly racist

chat spams whatever they see or hear on screen

so if they see a black guy they spam trihard, if they see white american they spam another emote

asian, gay and so on

Not saying you can’t use it or you have to worry about offending someone.

Just saying you should be aware of a symbol (or word or gesture or action)'s context and meaning. You can stick your head in the sand and pretend like these symbols don’t carry more heinous meanings (in certain circles and contexts), but that doesn’t change reality. Language and communication are social constructs.

I am not saying I am unaware. I am saying I am aware and I don’t care.

If other people cannot get a grip around why this was done or the history of how it has been manipulated, that’s their problem.

I live in Japan and the koreans constantly bash westerners in game. Its a two way street my dude


Fair enough I guess.

When did this happen??
As far as I know
“Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB”

These words actually mean something, they can’t control everything.