Overwatch VS Paladins

Huh at what point was anyone talking about anything other than balance.

There not listening to us?? Blizzard made Brigitte to counter Tracer and Genji which is something people where asking for.

Maybe she currently strong but that the reason she exists.

Same with Hanzo…Blizzard we hate Scatter Arrow please get rid of it

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You are just ranting about some random things. If you are not interested in a discussion with me, don’t ping me. Thank you and good bye.

huh!!! This is the post I am referring to

When they are clearly trying to add things we are asking for.

Maybe your just posting random things that aren’t suppose to have any meaning.

He is just a troll. Report him.


Done aaaand… done.

PS the block feature is so good, it stops pinging. Great.

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LUL, Where have I done any of that.

I have stated that Overwatch and Paladins both have balance issues and the stats back it up just like any other video game.

You guys have been trying to dispute it

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Seems relevant to me.

Yeah it’s funny. When Blizzard decided to rework Hanzo, all they basically did was copy Sha’lin


And Sha’lin is how the Hanzo rework should have gone to be honest. lol


It’s a points, You can’t claim balance without stats for overwatch.

I mean how would you know the balance in Overwatch at GM level without looking at the stats that tell you what they are?

There reason they think overwatch is worse is because they are looking at stats which they are not doing for paladins cause it’s hard to find and they clearly never looked.

A bonus you forgot, the Paladin community generally believes most all heroes are tier b and up. Plus because of hero banning there is a lot more variety in matches. Unlike Overwatch where at grandmasters there is only 7 viable hero picks at the moment.


Exactly. I LOVE that I have so many more heroes to choose from

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Again where are the Paladin league stats for this?

I can only find general stats for the game Paladins has had bad spikes according to the general stats as well. Termiuns was at 67% when he came out

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I’ll have to look around. When I use to play people kept track of hero pick and ban rates for tournaments. It’s a very large pool, but that was back before OB64. That patch sorta ruined the game for a lot of people, but from what I heard they reverted the OB64 changes.

They did revert the changes in OB67 I believe. Didn’t seem to last anywhere near as long as the Mercy meta.

The stat tracking isn’t very good. I can only find one and it’s pretty bad but can’t link website on forums

I don’t think it fits OW. Sha lin in paladins is such a balanced champ, he has retreats and powerful attacks with drawbacks, combo like stun into volley(or w/e it is called).

Like, even if he is rooted during volley in paladins, he still has a retreat with invisibility, there is no such thing in ow for hanzo, and there are way, WAAY more oneshots in ow, so rooting hanzo would be just a death sentence.

Look what immobility did to bastion, it just doesn’t work in ow. Sha lin wouldn’t translate well in OW, there is too much missing mechanics(going back to invis) in OW to translate it in a balanced way.

Hanzo is just a butchered version of that champ. They even butchered his synergy between 125 arrow dmg and 70 on volley, it doesn’t add up to 200 anymore. It is so stupid.


I’ve actually been playing Sha Lin a bit today. He’s a ton of fun! The volley is called Planted I believe. Also you’re correct, there is so much mobility and the time to kill is so short in Overwatch that being still is a death sentence.

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I have the same opinion my friend.

TTK in paladins is a bit lower and it makes so much more difference in the enjoyment of the game. Like, it is not too fast and not too slow, it is like, just right.

BTW, been playing sha lin also today, yeah he is a lot of fun.

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