Overwatch the game

Where the team with more meta slaves is the one who wins the majority of the time. And those who aren’t playing meta have to put in 2 times the effort to still get only half the value as the meta heros.

(In diamond+)

So if they play a meta team and you were to go full on anti meta on them, you would most likely still lose?


why you complaining about people using the most effective tactic in a competitive mode??


Imagine being upset at the fact that utilizing the most effective tools in high level competitive play, results in less work for more reward…


If you wanna run meme compositions, I recommend you stick to Quick Play or Open Queue.

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No wonder the balance is garbage
You people seem to think it’s fine for the same hero(s) to be meta for SEASONS because they take “skill”

Which if they did take oh so much skill, they wouldn’t be the meta heros.

I mean… that is the definition of META.

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I promise you can still play whatever you want in masters and diamond. In those ranks, it’s the team with the most people in chat that wins.


to be honest i agree but a game also should be about having fun and not always having to pick the most meta freaking strat and just enjoy playing a hero you find fun and meld well with. Thats a big issue with overwatch compared to a lot of other games it FORCES you to play crap you don’t want to especially when you just get off work, school, etc and just want to have fun and that fun can be had on certain heroes compared to others and forcing someone to constantly play the most op hero or newest released hero just because they are way too strong isn’t fun, enjoyable and you wonder why the community snaps on each other.

ill wait for my suspension someone from mod team cause u guys always seem to find something i say wrong lmao…

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It really isn’t though. Sure I CAN play Junkrat… my point still stands that I have to put twice the effort into winning than the enemy (burst) hitscan DPS do, most notably McMetaCree

At least on PC that is, probably not as much as console since projectiles are more viable there due to it being harder to aim on controller.

Thats what Quick Play, Arcade, and Open Queue are for…

Competitive ladder is structured around high level performance.

I honestly (from an engineering standpoint) don’t think its possible to not ever have a META. And thats not by bad design, thats literally because at the end of the day, certain hero interactions are “JUST BETTER…”

Like… Its high level Competitive Overwatch.

Valorant also has a hero META. League of Legends has a hero META.

Age of Empires (real time strategy mind you) has a META based on map type. As in, there are certain civilizations that just work better because of benefits… Sounds SUSPICIOUSLY like hero interactions on a macro scale… :roll_eyes:

CSGO might be an example of a “no META” competitive game. But thats because everyone gets the same guns (for the most part) and the basic tools are consistent across the T/CT team. I really have no desire to see Overwatch reduced to a bare bones style of game.

PLAY QUICK PLAY?? Or play those heroes anyways… You can still win… Hanzo is not META and I can still outplay McCree players at my rank with the same (or less) effort as if I play Cree vs. Cree myself…

I had a 60% winrate in masters on Hanzo at the end of last season. Which implies, of all the times I encountered McCree on the enemy team (Hanzo was my most played hero btw) I was successful at outplaying him 6/10.

I think this entire argument is literaly NULL AF…

META has minimal to do with why people are so nasty towards each other. You literally can watch Torb/Junk/Symm/Ball/Widow/ one-trick ponies play in GM/T500 and some of those games aren’t toxic at all.

Honestly if there’s anyone who gets toxic over META is low elo and honestly, they could stand to run META a little more often. Or at least learn what a real time composition is.


Maybe play different heroes… You literally only play Junkrat. I see you locked your profile… :joy: Lose a few on that new account of yours?

Junkrat literally defines burst damage… :woman_facepalming:t2:

Doesn’t matter what rank I was in, whenever I have ALL 6 players in Team Chat (not being rage babies which for me, I must be lucky because I usually get decent comms), I almost always win those games.


so ur telling me that playing the meta in a competitive game gives u higher chance to win??? that is mental bro :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :scream:


It is. The people who aren’t in chat just don’t know it. Also, hitscan heroes have higher accuracy on console and there’s no difference in projectile effectiveness.

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The most inconsistent burst damage in the game

Also, nice taking a single word out of context

I was talking about hitscan

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Maybe it’s time to diversify your hero pool.

Cool story bro… :-1:t4:

There’s a reason you only run 1 flex DPS player in team compositions…

Besides, mechanical aim is much more impressive than spam rat McGee.

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Oh, low ranked I see.

You don’t get value diamond+ from just spamming.

Also, you’re actually delusional if you think Junk doesn’t take mechanical skill because he isn’t hitscan. Really sad how you people have been brainwashed by COD and CS

If every shot has intent, it’s no accident.

Peace, maybe one day you’ll understand what actual skill is
Newsflash: It’s not nor ever will be ranged hitscan, especially when they can one shot.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah… But at the end of the day, thats all he is…

He takes a little. But still not as impressive/nor special as other heroes.

Every shot should have intent. Thats what APM is my guy…

Coming from a boosted OTP…? Yeah… guess I’ll never know.


If there were an “anti meta” that could reliably counter the current meta then that anti meta would become the new meta.


And then a new META would arise and it would just be a continuing game of counter play. Overwatch is already like this, with the exception being, sometimes you have to match compositions, sometimes you can stick to your composition depending on A LOT of circumstances.


have you tried pressing shift when facing an enemy, then right-clicked when appropriate?


You’re forgetting the game of “rock, paper, scissors”