Overwatch team a word pls? Have a tiny suggestion

Soooo loving the new skins for the Halloween event now , And not even complaining about new boards etc. I’m just curious has it ever crossed someone minds to let the players choose from all the characters in the Dr Junkensteins revenge game play? I mean it definitely would give us some more variation without tweaking much really. Not to mention in the other events we have a game mode where we can play all the characters in normal modes and not custom modes, and it made those maps 10 times more fun and breaks up the monotony. Yours truly, and OMG love ORISA’S new skin along with the others for 2019. And yeah a mummy Ana!

The development team did respond to this question when Endless mode was introduced…

Source: Overwatch Forums

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ty never saw that so it answers this :slight_smile:

That is fine, it is from the old forums. That being said I do catalog all relevant developer responses in this thread, so it never hurts to check something that might already be answered:

That being said, I am always here to keep everyone in the loop.

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