Overwatch suffered

But people playing support and tank were doing it even begore role q :smile:

Not to this extent, ocasional flanks or frontlining yes,but now? They ALWAYS in the front, specially moiras, and lúcios in the enemy backline he whole game

If someone can’t see problems of 2-2-2, pls stop playing tank or support and go try to climb as dps somwhere above mid masters or even high plat, to feel the REAL issues! Thanks!

Its good
Go away.


Show your math.


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Ehh there actually is, but you’re free to stay in your own bubble if you want :upside_down_face::

The devs saying that their latest big move has received positive feedback and wasnt a mistake isnt exactly proof.

This is a really logical thought, but official developer statements will always be a more trustworthy source for the game they themselves created than the anecdotal at best ““metrics”” that have been plaguing places like these Forums by signaling 2/2/2 role - lock’s supposed ““failure””…

Id say that queue times are a much better benchmark than comments from devs. Devs have a vested interest in covering their asses. The queue doesnt lie (although the estimate sometimes either glitches out or lowballs you hard)

And lets be honest, its not like the devs are particularly willing to admit when they screw up. Brig 1.0, throwhog, mercy meta, etc

Ehh with all the utter misinformation thrown around about them I seriously doubt how helpful they can be really… :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

Again, this is not totally wrong… But my original point, at least comparatively, still stands…

They are controlling what owl league players say in their private time.
Why would you think they just allow devs to tell the truth? Its say what we want or you lose your job. Blizzard has become one of the most shadiest companys by far within a few years, compared to them even EA is an angel sent from heaven.

Nah, people just already forgot what was it like before. It was the same really. Even worse as people were switching from main tank to widow because they were tilted about dps not doing the job.

Nah I remember those days, only started playing again recently. It was better then

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Nope. 10% for me.

you might switch to tank, but nobody else does.

exactly, that is how i get kinda mad about it. People act like they talking about facts, but they don’t have any numbers at all and this makes a lot of space for conspiracy theories f.e. “chinese bots” in in this forums, that try to control the “hype”

My Calculation was: 1 minute went to 14 and above minutes (on good evenings) [dps queue]

im wondering how i could reply to everyone in this thread when its locked after i wrote one statement. It’s just not possible to discuss here. There are no numbers, only “deceiving” blue posts where they lick the spit for their own system. Well you know what, i have no interest in solving this. Because its not solveable and if you want your overwatch like this. PLease continue playing the brain afk, stale, boring 222 lock. Just Force your development. Why would you want players to have a free choice. tbh this is not worth any of my time. catch ya

80% quit the game, “everyone is pro RQ”

While I don’t think 80% is an accurate number, I wonder if all the “majority support RQ” claims is just confirmation bias from people who still play the game and enjoy it? Surely we won’t hear as much from people who have quit OW because they don’t like RQ.


People may or may not like role queue…

…but Twitch streaming (which is a metric Blizzard uses clearly) has watched Overwatch pitch downward.

So it isn’t popular. Which shouldn’t be a surprise since DPS was the most popular class and Blizzard limited the ability to play it with long queue times. So like it or not, people aren’t sticking around for the long waits, and they aren’t switching to other roles.

I wasn’t a fan of 2-2-2 when it launched but was willing to see what it would do. At this point, what the OP is saying is proven to be true.

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I play, I hate it. Diferent srs for roles is good tho

There have been numerous polls in which the majority supported role q as well as statements from the devs.

Never said it was perfect. Nothing is. It is, however, a significant improvement on what we had previously.

I’ve had several accounts at low-mid diamond on all roles. I deleted them all before the ptr patch because i lost all hope for the game. Now i’m 1 tricking lucio on a new account.