Overwatch Streaming Rewards Guide & Troubleshooting - CLOSED

You don’t get Tokens by watching Contenders :slight_smile: Its an OWL exclusive thing.

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Kinda weird… I got 0 tokens from watching the entire Day 1 of June Joust but I can confirm that I did receive the Mercy White and Gray OWL skins. :man_shrugging:

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Did you at all participate in OWL promotions back in 2018? You may already had the Mercy skin.

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Oh that must be it… so drops are probably still broken then since I received 0 tokens today.


Is the encore time correct or is it 2 hours behind

Hey everyone, I will get the feedback reported in about not earning tokens or the Mercy skin (for those who did not already own it from 2018). Note, unlike Contenders, I have to jump through a few more hoops to get this feedback turned in, but this seems pretty widespread so I feel Blizzard is likely to be very aware of what is going on.

As a reminder, there will be encore broadcasts to turn on (and sleep while its running if needed starting around 9:30 AM PDT. So to at least earn more tokens be sure to tune in there. However, if this is the usual Overwatch League token drop issue, they are more than likely to catch up in a little while.


Got no tokens or mercy skins and I watched the whole 4 hours of the first stream on YouTube.

Haven’t been able to test out any drops for contenders as I haven’t been able to watch them at all. Night shift at work screws that up.

Also not in any regards to overwatch drops, but, how come my icon is the default black overwatch icon on the forums? But I have a different icon on the main game.

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I doubled checked with the OWL schedule page, encores start at 9:30 AM which is the same start time as that of East Region encores.

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Do you have the Rainbow Icon equipped? If so it is not yet added to the forum Database.

Yes I do, but the thing is, is that it was a default black icon before the rainbow icon was added.

For the longest time, I had the Ana Bastet icon for the forums. Then sometime later it switched to the black overwatch icon.

I did have the black cat icon during the anniversary, then switched it to the rainbow flag. But when I had the sombra icon, it was still the black icon.

No tokens or Mercy skin for me as well, just wanted to make sure I wasn’t the only one with the issue!

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Me too, I didn’t get any tokens :cry:

I also haven’t received the tokens or Mercy skin despite watching from almost the beginning.


Well, somehow I just got the Sombra Contenders Skin xD That was unexpected.

Make sure to watch encore its eligible for watch time lets hope we’ll get it

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Did you get it by watching the Chinese streams?

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Yeah I watched the reruns of the Chinese Streams on the contenders Website at the beginning of June. Weird that it unlocked that late.

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Hmm interesting I’m still waiting for the EU and NA streams the Chinese streams is a mess I honestly don’t know where to go I’m not too rushed on the Sombra skin :eyes::face_with_hand_over_mouth: Patience is a virtue

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Well the Chinese streams are usually not on the Contenders Website, but the reruns are. It’s a weird concept, but at least the EU/NA Contenders streams are soon. Hopefully I’ll get the Zarya Skin too xD

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Best of luck I hope its not bugged (like always) thank god I managed to get Brig

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