Overwatch Streaming Rewards Guide & Troubleshooting - CLOSED

For Rein 15 hours. You will get Bastion at 7.

thank you my friend but how would i now that i have watch 15hours of contenders

There is no meter, you have to try to track hours on your own by knowing which broadcasts you watched. You can tell when everything is working by looking for the :green_circle: green light on the bottom of the embedded player.

I have full details and instructions in the starting post.

Hopefully thereā€™s a pre game show at 2:30 so I can leave it on and go to bed lol

hmm thatā€™s ok I will just watch all of them whenever I can since I m in a bit time differences I will watch it on my phone on chrome that way I will still be eligible for the reward?

Iā€™m wondering if I can get another chance to earn the Mercy/Sym contenders skin for some reason Google Chrome was not working with the site and I never got the skins.

There will not be, there was issues in October that affected multiple users so another opportunity was given in December which most users reported no problems then. Remember to earn these skins you need to watch multiple broadcasts so stay vigilant on all opportunities.

wait i was just off the tab of contenders when i came back the green dot is gone so what i have to keep the tab above all i cant do other things like work while i watch

Correct, web browsers will often stop video and/or audio streaming if you bury the broadcast. If it happens just refresh and resume.

so if it goes away after coming back do i still get the reward or m i not qualify and it sees me as not watching

Time is cumulative, you earn the skins once you watch a total of the hours needed.

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Ugh ofc I am having issues when the 1 skin I truly want is available.

The green dot keeps vanishing after about a min on Firefox. I always clear out everything on my browser before the stream starts. Iā€™ve had no problems during the previous streams so not sure whatā€™s going on.

Trying Chrome right now. Hopefully I have no issues there.

EDIT: Thank god I am not the only one then having this exact problem then.

Excuse me, I have the same problem of green dot disappear while I did not click other tabs. Can you troubleshoot for me Wyoming

Iā€™m having the green dot disappear after a minute, even with the tab in focus the entire time. I had 0 problems back in December, so Iā€™m not sure sure whatā€™s going on this time.

EDIT: This is on Chrome.

Same here. Wanna know the reason.

I am seeing the same, investigating

Itā€™s likely that the green dot was there. initially, to let you youā€™re in the clear, but went away because the matches havenā€™t started yet.

Phew. Thank god I am not the only one having this problem at least.

Hopefully theyā€™ll fix it quick :slight_smile:

yeah green dot is gone

For now I am just going to keep refreshing every time the dot vanishes. Every second counts!