Overwatch Streaming Rewards Guide & Troubleshooting - CLOSED

one more thing. i tried watching the Chinese stream after but it went to a different web site and said my password did not work when i tried to log in. I have only watch the Spanish streams

Tuning in to share that Iā€™ve also received my LĆŗcio skins. Itā€™s been pretty smooth sailing this month. Timing of the skins seems rather accurate and I did not have delays for the skins this time around.

For those interested. Iā€™m a PS4 player in EU. Watched from my phone with Chrome. Sometimes had it silent (my phone, not the stream), due to broadcasts being in the middle of the night in my timezone.

Either you meant Torbjƶrn or you checked the wrong hero, since Mei is not part of the November rewards.

All broadcasts asides from the Spanish ones can be viewed from the English contenders homepage to earn rewards. The Chinese site will give you the Chinese broadcast, but you want to have the one with the English casters for the rewards.

Mei isnā€™t a hero of the promotion. In october was Symmetra and Mercy and now in november are LĆŗcio and Torbjƶrn.

Please read carefully the green posts. The chinese site doesnā€™t work with the promotion, because it carries you to another site because in China YouTube is banned.

Ok, I have a confession to make. I never understood those people who couldnā€™t get the rewards to work, because neither I nor my friends had trouble with it after some initial time to figure things out.

Now Iā€™m visiting my parents over the weekend and am watching the Contenders SA stream on a pretty bad laptop with a mediocre internet connection.
I can watch the stream on 720p60fps without issues, smooth sailing. Just the green dot indicating the time being counted just randomly swaps to red at least once per minute. When this happens, I have to pause and unpause the stream for as short as I can click for it to turn green again.

I can rule out pretty much all of the troubleshooting steps, as I am using literally the same software and configs as on my main computer, where I have no issues whatsoever.

I relogged and cleared the cache + Ctrl+F5 for the sake of it, but that didnā€™t help.

Iā€™m using Chrome (lastest version - 86.0.4240.183 64 bit) and Win10 on an Aspire E17 (i5-4210U, 840M, 8GB DDR3), which is old and slow, but more than enough to watch a livestream.

Iā€™ve had issues with microstuttering, where the system would not react for a few milliseconds.Havenā€™t noticed that so far, but tbh if this is the issue, the viewtime tracking is crap anyways, as connection issues for times in the double digit ms range can have so many reasons beyond the control of many people who just want to earn those skins.

Iā€™m heading off to bed as it is pretty late in central Europe by now, so I wonā€™t earn more points anyways, but the last 3 hours were a lot of pausing and unpausing the stream to earn watchtime. Not having a good time watching a stream like this.

If this is the kind of issue other people experience when trying to earn watchtime, this together with not having a proper schedule on the website and the inability to provide all streams on a central place makes Blizzard look like a pretty big joke of a company.
Tracking watchtime canā€™t be this hard, I donā€™t remember there being issues like this and to this scale with OWL on Twitch whatsoever.

sorry, i meant Torbjornā€¦ iā€™m having nightmares of that stupid overcharged shotgun and being frozen by Meiā€¦ itā€™s all bleeding together

Iā€™m honestly surprised I havenā€™t received the lucio skin yet, I got the torb one very quickly. Itā€™ll probably just drop tomorrow

I got both skins pretty fast after I reached the needed hours. The system seems to be working way better now :))

I still didnā€™t get Lucio skinā€¦ I watched over 20 hoursā€¦

did they remove the green dot?

Huhā€¦ you guys also canā€™t watch stream on youtube? I mean, It countdown and then it just nothing, ā€œwaiting for: OWC 8.11.2020 12:00 GMT-8ā€ .
Itā€™s another time when this happens in this month.
Any suggestions?

I have 2 questions:

  1. Why is the green dot only show when it feels like?

  2. How do I bind my account for the Chinese broadcast? Seems like it is the only one working 24/7 while I can barely watch any of the others.
    When I get to the blizzard login page it asks me to ā€œCreate blizzard game pass for freeā€ and when I select a country it just opens the account page and nothing happens.

Yeah, I did everything that I was doing for the symmetra skin but I didnā€™t get the mercy skin as well. Logged in on google chrome and all that. Gonna try for the torb skin this month.

I received the Symm skins, but the Mercy skins are missing for me even though Iā€™m 100% certain I watched over >15 hours last month.

Recently just picked up the Torb skins without a problem, so I know the issue canā€™t possibly be with my browsers/devices.

I also havenā€™t yet received the Lucio skins even though Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m over 15 hours for Novemberā€¦ will keep trying. (maybe the 2nd pair of hero skins are bugged for some folks!?)

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Though I ended up cutting it close, I made sure to watch 15+ hours in Octoberā€¦ but Iā€™m still waiting on the Symm and Mercy skins to show up on my account.

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I hope Rein or Hog feature in December.

Good luck on all of your skins I still do not even have my Mercy one after watching all of the European and North American tournaments. I watched it all exactly the same received the Symmetra skin but not the Mercy. I still have not heard anything from support about this at all and have reported this several places.

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for now, my only problem is that stream on youtube and on the OWC website wonā€™t start :confused:

The Contenders ends in november.

Gauntlet event is taking place in December, and they already mentioned that ā€œSpecial moments in the competitive calendar for Overwatch Contenders (e.g. Gauntlet) may feature event-specific incentivesā€.

They might do the same setup as the OWL finals with the OWL Tracer sprays & skin, more likely they may just shorten the requirements from 7hrs of watching.