Overwatch Streaming Rewards Guide & Troubleshooting - CLOSED


Will the May Melee have Encores with drops? I can’t find any schedule for encores and the matches will start at 3 AM both days.

It sometimes gets delayed a few days for some reason, so you might want to check back in a day or two. Last time tokens didn’t drop right after the matches like on my other accounts, but eventually showed up. (I’m keeping track of number of tokens I have)
On the other hand, today’s stream still hasn’t unlocked Brig. Did anyone that couldn’t unlock Brig get it after today’s Korean stream?

According to the schedule, it doesn’t look like there will be any Encore matches. If they did, you’d see them there, like how we can see encores for matches during Week 6.

The start time is later (starting anywhere between 6pm and 9pm PDT) because the matches are a compromise between East and West teams (earlier for East and later for West), as they will be facing off against each other. West teams are flying out to Hawaii to play against the East teams.

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This is what I want to know too. I got Brig and Echo last month. I had the stream up for Korea contenders this AM - was that time for Doom/Bap or not?

I see it says can earn the echo and brigitte until may as well as doom and bap at the korea but does that mean you can still earn echo and brigitte the same time right now?

i actually have the same question: it seems like they are ignoring EU fans.
All games are scheduled between 3 AM and 6 am. like thats ridiculous.
Any chance they can add all matches on the “normal” OWL times in encore so that EU can still earn the rewards ? pretty please ?

They are always going to ignore different regions based on their schedule. I can easily say their ignoring North America when the Asian teams play at 4am and 6am based on your logic.

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Hey some feedback here, if you can please remove the Matches that are gone, that would be very usefull to track the current upcomming matches! Its super annoying to scroll trough the Aprils matches or already played May matches! :stuck_out_tongue:

You can earn May rewards right now. They are tracked on a separate hour count.

It’s just anyone still seeking the April Brigitte and Echo skins will still be able to clock in April hours to earn those two skins.

No there are no encores planned at this time. I will pass the feedback to Blizzard though.

As soon as May 4th, passes, the April Contenders schedule section will be pulled, same with May Melee OWL section after the 8th.


Thank you! Quote me if theres an update :smiley:

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Update: I finally received my Brig skins today. Not sure if it was due to a lack of hours watched from improper settings or what, since I basically did everything I normally do.

But I figured I’d let others who were also worried know that it’s still definitely attainable. Good luck!


I got my missing Brig today too! Ugh, finally, haha. Hopefully the issue fix is rolling out for everyone?

same ! or if anyone knows of a way to use a scheduled task to open the youtube site and do a manual refresh ( just to make sure the “connected” stuff shows ) would also be handy

For clarification…do the matches from today and tomorrow count for April, May or both?

Both… hours for April are tracked separately for hours for May.

My flawless gain of skins is due to using OWL/Contenders official websites in EDGE.

I think I have watched 5hrs of ow contenders and haven’t gotten the baptiste skin. I watched both the morning stream and the one going on currently. Is there a solution for this? I watched on the website and had my account linked with the green dot.


I have also just hit that mark, but it’s worth noting that there are parts of the broadcasts that don’t necessarily count toward viewership. The Korean matches last night were barely 2 hours long with the first match starting 00:24:00 into the VOD and the last match ending at 2:30:00, and that’s not counting all the break for interview and intermission between matches. It’s best to wait an extra hour or so of viewership before assuming you’ve hit the viewership target.

Its a little early, remember there can be a slight delay for rewards. Also remember that broadcast countdown clocks at the start, typically don’t count toward hours watched. Keep watching!

Okay. Thank you guys for the help! :grin:

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