Overwatch Streaming Rewards Guide & Troubleshooting - CLOSED

Has anyone gotten the Rein skin yet from the second chance?

I have not seen any confirmations from anyone yet. I tweeted @PathToPro and they said they are checking everything right now.


Thank you, I’m certain I’ve accumulated 5 hours at least between today and yesterday’s games.

I have seen similar reports, so yeah, I am a bit concerned.

Oh no, let’s hope things aren’t going wrong again LOL

I watched the Collegiate streams this weekend to complete the remainder of my hours outstanding to get the skins. I got the skin for Brigitte but not for Echo… Why? If I got Brigitte, it means that I watched 15 hours or more but for some reason I still don’t have Echo. What could be the reason for this? Any way to fix it?


Does anybody know if the OWL app will have the green dot?

And the blue Archives logo fits so much with the shiny green border :smile:

Hey everyone, as a reminder Contenders Korea is now live, if you need to still earn Reinhardt in the second chance offer, log on now! PTP Contenders Homepage | Contenders

Hmmm I have probably watched 5 hours now and no Rein skin… Got Echo’s though… Sick of getting up at 5 AM for this!

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I never had a huge issues like now with Contenders Skins. I watched many streams since first April.

|01.04.2021|4h|21:00 - 01:00
|02.04.2021|4h|20:00 - 24:00 After 8h I get Echo
|05.04.2021|2h|12:00 - 14:30
|08.04.2021|3h|11:00 - 14:00
|10.04.2021|4h|21:00 - 01:00
|11.04.2021|5h|21:00 - 02:00
|12.04.2021|2h|12:00 - 14:00

And still not unlocked Brigitte after 24h, please help!

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Can they just give us the rein skin already? Myself and many others are waking up at 3 am and losing sleep just to earn these skins that MAY OR MAY NOT work like its supposed to. We have other things in our lives like work and school but we make this effort for our favorite game. I just wish blizzard would put appropriate resources into fixing this or find a better way. Im sorry if im being harsh but im so frustrated. :frowning:


It is like a story with OWL 2020 final drops, when it also didn’t work properly by unknown reasons… Some things don’t change =\

I received Echo skin which is watching for 7 hours but no Rien skin is this normal?

Got the same problem. Im watchig contenders, im log in, theres green doot and still nothing. Send help

I have a problem with Overwatch League tokens drops. I watched day 1 on the Experimental card tournament and haven’t received any tokens at all. I made sure I was signed in to my YT account and made sure my battle.net account was connectd too. I should’ve received like 25 tokens. Is there any solution to this? I watched on the YouTube app on mobile.

Watched both Collegiate Streams and yesterday’s KR Contenders stream.
Only got Brig skin so far.
Wouldn’t it better to do a re-run next month, Rein and Bastion skin too, like it has been done with Symmetra and Mercy in the same technical difficulties situation? Since the problem hasn’t properly been fixed yet.

EDIT: nvm Reinhardt skin has come home, too bad I missed Bastion skin thou.


Same thing here. I should already have the Brig skin, i have watched all streams this month and still no skin.

Given all of the problems, please could they make the past contenders skins available for 300 tokens per skin. I missed out on the mercy skin. If they were priced nice and high they would still maintain a semblance of that special exclusivity.

I also have yet to receive the Reinhardt skin after watching five hours for my other accounts.

I have yet to receive the Bridget skin on this account.

I’m in the same boat. Watched pretty much every EU-friendly stream, but still no Brig skin here.

Everyone, just to give a heads up, I have been seeing all of your reports to whether you successfully earned the Reinhardt skin from the second chance offer window or not. I am farily convinced there was some issues and have reported all of the feedback I have received to Blizzard. I am hopeful more news about these issues will come soon.