Overwatch Retribution NOW LIVE! (New Official Video)

winky face ell oh ell

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Dont report Wyoming hes not trolling he just thought it was up dude


It was a mistake, and he corrected it

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I have been reported for Symm spawn camping in Deathmatch. I think I can survive this.


He could change title and delete the post

[intensely checking for updates]

He did change the title

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When I clicked it it was unchanged yet had the “jk sry no it’s not edit “.

Stylosa (unit lost) has a gameplay video up. Just watch that while you are waiting

21gb gg me playing anytime soon lol.

i have to go to bed in 1 hr hopefully it’s gonna go live in 2mins lol


The patch is live! (PS4 Europe)


Wyoming do you have 4 people to play with? None of my friends are on and im hopping in immediately if you want to group maby

thanks for the info man :smiley:

I am actually working and can’t play until my lunch break. I can monitor the forums, and check my client, but can’t play right now.

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That :point_up_2: is not the same as this :point_down:

The hype isn’t real, let’s do this people😂

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waiting for the client release…

Still just looking for free likes. Couldn’t even check the game before he had to run to the forums