Overwatch ranking system

I see. What do you think the chances are of this being observer bias? Do you think it makes more sense that Blizzard intentionally holds people back, or that people climb until they have difficulty holding their own?

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I’ve seen this same conspiracy mentioned a few other places, and I’ve played everything from bronze to diamond hundreds of times in each rank. I’m pretty sure having a ‘balanced’ win rate and player behavior tracking and queuing prevents unlucky people from getting no-mic high dps teams over and over and getting and sr way lower than what they really belong in, and losing like that discourages people from having fun and playing which hurts potential loot box sales. It seems somewhat logical to give a player in a loosing streak a team with a higher chance of winning every once in a while.

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So anecdotes and observer bias, got it.

If you continuously get a 50% winrate every season you’re where you belong my dude. It doesn’t force anything otherwise.

I don’t have the amount of data that blizzard has. Try it for yourself if you don’t believe me. Spend a few rounds throwing (don’t blame me if you get banned) and eventually you’ll get a few rounds or two with people who are using the mic and coordinating more.

No thank you, if I queue for competitive I compete.

  1. If you try anything long enough eventually you’ll see what you’re looking for. See: observer bias.
  2. I rarely use voice comms and I have a >60% win rate.

At plat/gold you got these players almost every match… the few times you will get a team where all 6 people work together is like 1 in 50 games.
The game is build around personal play, if you think you will loose go for own stats. Also people learn to play the game as a solo based shooter in QP and lower ranks.

But where the system fails is keeping these players in the most lowest ranks. Even if they are technical good they should not climb. (MMR should be more based on team play -> peeling damage/kills should be worth more then normal damage/kills etc)

Also I have lots of games where i wonder how i can be grouped with this person(s). He is very obvious not of this ranks(no technical skill or game sense)
I almost never see a smurf. But i see lots of players that are boosted.(or should not be in this rank) Almost every game at least one. (probably players who play different heroes then there mains -> at least i hope they are not all boosted by other players)

When you are thinking about unicorns all day long and believe they exist, you will eventually see one.

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Semi is saying what a lot of us have seen.

It’s not that you can’t hang at a certain rank all of the sudden.

It’s that the game is giving him worse teammates in hopes of making the match even.

The game isn’t allowing players with higher MMR to rank up fast enough. Instead, it’s sandbagging them with bad teams. Whenever it feels you shouldn’t rank up any more.

You can even see it with queue times. Longer queues are the matchmaker trying to find bad players. Instant queues are almost always good teams.

Just another person who’s noticed it.

Also, you don’t see unicorns. They don’t exist. OW forced even matches do exist. The devs even said so. How can they make even matches? Think about 1st grade kickball.

Sandbag the good player with a horrible team and call it even. This is what OW does.


Anecdotes don’t make truth.

Nope, it’s that you didn’t improve along with the rest of the player base.

This would be counter-productive for Blizzard. It’s not doing that. For every one anecdote of forced losses, there are 10 “forced” wins - this is why you’re falling. You need to focus on improving yourself if you want to climb.

SR. You climb until you can’t, and then you need to improve more.

Nuh uh.

And where’s your proof, ILoveYou? You state these counters like they’re facts when they’re not. Sounds like a bunch of blind faith in the system and antecdotes to me. In fact, they’re not even anecdotes about YOUR play. They’re your assumptions about other people’s experience, which is even LESS reliable than what these people are saying they witness in THEIR OWN GAMES. I’ll take what they see in their games over what YOU’RE here to tell them they saw.

We know Blizz has said they try to make an even match. We know they use their hidden matchmaking to do it.

They HAVE to cancel out a really hot player in order to do that, or the match isn’t even. No way around it.

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I love you too!

I’m climbing, and in 3 years I have never once experienced a “forced losing streak.” If you expect me to believe your anecdotes, I expect you to respect my anecdotes!

False. They use SR.

They use both the hidden MMR and SR

no but the top 500 players i dont believe half of them deserve to be there anymore. it is not that they arent skiled but they seem to be sitting on a bubble of players that may be better than them. just my op though

I think you overestimate the system, that it has so much control over your game.
The system is bad and cant balance a game.
So if it cant balance it, it also cant make you loose.

The system does not know what heroes people are going to play. So it does not know the real group SR. It does not know if players are tilted, will disconnect/leave troll, are smurfs(downranked) or boosted players, will work well together with the rest of the team etc…
So all these things have more influence over a game then the system could ever do. One leaver is enough to make you loose even if your team was better. A tilted player that decides to soft throw and dont work together etc… That are the reason why you loose most of the time. And the system can never know if someone is tilted or all the other things…

So saying they implemented code that can create teams who will always win just to keep you on 50% is just impossible.

It only happens when you are where you deserve to be. If you were in an Elo lower than where you are meant to be these other factors would be irrelevant for the most part because you’d be busy making the game winning plays as you shoot up to where you belong.

When you are where you belong you start to feel less in control over the outcome of your matches. When matched with other people of the same level the outcome becomes seemingly a coin-flip. Sometimes you will get those who belong lower, sometimes higher and you will get a mix of personality types as this happens.

The thing is as mentioned above, you don’t really notice this when you are dominating. This is just the ‘Endgame’ for you until you improve.

The fact that many people don’t like this outcome could be a core failing of the game’s design, but I’m curious to see what other alternatives there should be apart from balanced matches when you are where you are meant to be.

What do you think the endgame should be?

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My friend, ignore what these people are saying and trust your instinct, you are smarter than they are, do not doubt yourself.

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Yet you have a private profile. Real shocker there.

You’re both correct actually. The only way to climb is to improve, but the game will make you carry (top SR in the team average) in order to do so.

Zelda/Kapoof, I’m going to have to throw these two topics in again, even though you say that they don’t apply to you, because it’s clear they do:

Both of these players showed that they were actually bad at evaluating themselves and their teammates, and that they tilted quickly. And your entire two-year+ posting history shows that you have the same mindset as the above two players.

Since you’re just going to deny it and say that they’re fools and your complaints are legit, let’s just move on to the next thing: you claiming that boosting isn’t possible.

Also, someone offered it to you for free. I’m guessing you haven’t taken up on that offer.

If boosting isn’t possible, explain this topic:

The player in question here didn’t actually duo with anyone, he straight-up gave an account to a higher-ranked player in order to boost it to gold. He then tanked it back to bronze because he wasn’t good enough to handle gold, or even silver.

Or we can even move to the most infamous get-boosted-and-brag-about-it story from the old forums: MallSanta

(check Seasons 4 and 5)

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