Overwatch Pride Celebration: Teaming with Twitch Rivals in support of The Trevor Project

I would love to see a mental health awareness campaign in general, for the people that aren’t LGBT. My background is in the military and which has some of the highest rates mental health problems, just a suggestion


i agree with you on that, we both agree on that definitely




I didn’t expect this since the last “pride” thing we got was a Rainbow icon titled “Rainbow”.

Seeing support for a good organization and for you being open about supporting LGBQIA+ community is…really nice. I appreciate the fact you’re open about the support, not trying to hide it under a veil of ambiguity, and for teaming up with a really good charity organization.

Thank you!


Lmfao these people are sexual harassers themselves man. It’s one thing to not care, it’s another to actually be criminals too

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Can we just focus on the charity and LGBTQ for one time please? They do that for us after all


Didn’t Pride Month just end in the US? Better change your logo for the duration of this event.

This one is targeted towards LGBT kids specifically.


I have to say, I’m impressed by Blizzard being so bold as to back an organization which is devoted towards the mentel health of the LGBTQ Community, on account of the fact that certain folks are so over-the-top defensive towards the LGBTQ Community that the mere suggestion that anyone LGBTQ might be suffering from mental health issues, even as a direct result of discrimination, is enough to get them all worked up into a tizzy in which they begin putting words in the mouths of others accusing them of categorizing homosexuality as a mental illness.

Granted, that was some time ago, so hopefully folks have mellowed out enough to no longer hinder such charitable organizations.

In addition, I’m impressed that this hasn’t been cheapened by the presence of promotional cosmetics, which would no doubt get folks all worked up all over again in the midst of the Support Twitch Streamers promo and its Medic Brigitte Skin.
Honestly, after Pink Mercy and all the drama it has caused over the years with folks persistently begging for it to be brought back under the false pretence that they totally just want to donate to the BCRF, (as if they can’t already do so outside of Overwatch) I don’t ever want to see another promotional cosmetic for a charity ever again. Too much toxicity from folks who covet the swag that’s tied to the charity.


That’s true, I’m also glad they didn’t put a cosmetic. Honestly would have lost my mind if they put a cosmetic with it.

edit: removed some stuff actually bcs too upsetting to talk about and leave up


People are already demanding this :face_exhaling: hope if they ever did that, they’d go for S76 or Tracer instead lol


You can’t hide from what you’ve done by pandering.


No single group has a monopoly on marginalization.

There are plenty of straight people who are marginalized too for various reasons. It’s best to avoid turning it into an “Us v.s. them” scenario.

(I think it’s great to support a charity that helps LGBTQ+ people who are struggling, btw. Just disagree with the take that they are the only ones who ever end up marginalized.)


I agree, people who constantly stay stuff like that have never truly experienced what it’s really like to be in that situation.


Honestly it’s not really bold in this day and age, companies get put under the fire if they DONT do this kind of thing. If they were holding an event for a Christian organization or a pro police organization; then that would be bold! Lol


Really disappointed to see a toxic person like Eskay in the list.

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This this this this this

More dumb than bold really

Not because they are straight, and there is nobody menacing them for that or that will remove the rights of straight peoples to live as straight

Saying facts is only saying facts, no more. It is not putting one against the other.


Its all dumb, I wish people would stop falling for corporate pandering because do you really think big wig corps actually care about a tiny minority? Or a religion? rights? Anything?

Absolutely not, its all about the almighty $$$ baby, and as soon as people start realizing that, the better for everybody.


Except those people were fired (and most of the ones in charge back then formed their own studio which people seem to like).

None of these corporations care and if we were to limit the right to hold events to game companies that had no scandals we would have no more events which in the long run is worse.

Edit: just to be clear it is a sad commentary that the above is true but that is the unfortunate reality that is seemingly FINALLY starting to change.


They should stand up for LGBT rights around the world.

Not just in the countries where it’s convenient.

Makes the whole thing come off as an insincere marketing ploy…which it is.


But not for their sexuality… Thats the main difference, you know.


Love seeing the Trevor project get more attention :pray:

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