Overwatch needs a big boy competitive mode

Overwatch needs a Big Boy comp mode with a scoreboard, SR only no MMR, no PBSR, visible profiles, spread to group reduced to 250, no cosmetics or CP points and rely on simple mute, block and avoid to manage toxicity.

Time to put on those big boy pants.


What would be the point of a scoreboard?

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In any argument for a scoreboard: to provide helpful information for the team to use to use to improve their performance

In reality: To try to blame someone else for your loss.


First and foremost, I won’t descend into the rabbit hole of “a scoreboard can’t capture all aspects of positive gameplay”. I agree, but discarding all stats because you can’t show everything is a huge logical fallacy. The statistics captured can and would expand and improve over time.

What good is a scoreboard? First off, ask the pros, or the players of every other FPS game ever made what value they find in a scoreboard.

For me, I like to see my stats from game to game to identify trends in my play. I like to see my stats compared to the stats of the other person playing my role to see how I compared. I like to know who is throwing or just bad so that I can avoid them for the next game. I like to see who did extremely well so I can friend request them for future games. I like to feel good when my stats are stellar because it make the time I’ve invested in the game feel worth it. I NEED to see when I did BAD so I can analyse my play and improve.

Stats have value. I can’t count how many times players have hounded an off-meta or one-trick for playing bad when they’ve been playing fantastic. The game is blind without stats and it’s usually the players performing the worst who tilt and blame their teammates.

The value of statistics is immense.

LUL none of that is going to get you out of low plat bruh

I could hit your SR in a day of dedicated playing. 200ish SR is nothing.

“SR only no MMR”

Lmao can’t believe people still listen to hardstuck salty cuthbert


You’re a very simple person. I don’t believe in handicapping. The natural cycle of MMR based match making will eventually place you on a team where your MMR is the highest. Cuthbert calls this handicapping. He neglects to discuss that, as MMR climbs, you will eventually be the lowest on a team. It’s a cycle, not a conspiracy.

I advocate for SR only to eliminate the opinions of people like Cuthbert. A single SR value is something that most people can trust. Hidden mechanics give rise to conspiracies.

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Personally I find stats to be less useful than just looking at the screen, kill feed and paying attention to ult usage/comp/positioning/etc.

There are ways to have good stats or POTG while still being a deadweight anchor.

It would help identifying throwers and people who are really mechanically bad.

Idc if they add it but the info doesn’t seem very helpful.

I would love a map at the end showing the whole match replaying with CDs ult, barrier, and health displayed That would be amazing for figuring out what happened.


I advocate for stats post game, not during the game. Stats during the game are far too distracting and would tilt people all to hell.

This WOULD be amazing. Hopefully one day.

That’s why its big boy mode lol. Have to be able to survive criticism. I personally prefer blame where it’s warranted. I played Winston in a game last night and thought I did well. After we lost players started criticizing me:

“That wasn’t a gg, dumb a$$ winston kept attaking rein all game jesus!”

“I totally agree, would be nice if he dove ana”

I didn’t like it, but I appreciated it. They were totally right, I had tunnel vision all game and played on autopilot. I needed to hear it to realize it.

The same argument people use for public profiles.

Being able to see how long a healer has been playing the healer and how much healing has been done will result in a few things.
Awesomeness. Who wouldn’t like that stat?
Bashing the healer for not healing.
Bashing the player for bad positioning.
Those are some downsides. Player bashing for under performing to someone’s standards.

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I agree, there could be some toxicity and needless player bashing that arises from stats and visible profiles. Good thing the Big Boys in Big Boy mode can handle it!

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I forgot that we’d all be Big Boys there and be able to handle it in* the Big Boy Mode.

it’d be useful for identifying throwers and mechanically bad people like I said. That’d be about the only thing I could see myself using it for.

I’m neutral to them adding it if enough people want it.

Reporting should still be in for cheaters, that’s just my 2 cents

I completely understand the sentiment. For me, it would be really nice to see a full board. I play a lot of Lucio and, of course, every time the team starts playing poorly, I’m heckled to swap. I end up with 4 gold medals and get the card for Objective Time. I’d like the team to see the true value of my pick and my play rather then jumping on the meta bandwagon as it’s preached by the streamer of the week.

1000% agree!!

Just no more reports because someone gets passionate in voice. Autobans and the current tattle-tale culture have made many good players decide to just completely forego voice comms.

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I cam see that.

I’d like it to show off my solo kills or top DPS contribution rather than “LOL 20 bubbles” and praising RNGesus when I get the 77 percent charge card.

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I made a topic about this months ago, but neither one is a bad idea. It’s just that one was used for toxicity and the other would be used for toxicity.

Every argument for why a scoreboard would be helpful is stupid, because noone thinks that it wouldn’t be helpful, they think it would be a toxic mess. Anyone who wants a scoreboard should stop trying to explain why it will be helpful, and start explaining why it won’t be toxic.

This thread is about the imaginary “Big Boy” competitive mode. If you can’t handle toxicity when it arises, the current competitive mode is still there for you bro. When you put your big boy pants on, toxicity becomes a mere annoyance that you deal with by making liberal use of the mute, block and avoid functions.

Toxic strangers on the intertubez are pebbles bouncing down the face of my mountainous and immovable personal sense of self worth.