Overwatch league tokens missing

They do, I watch both but have received nothing! Rough

Been watching all of last week and the week before on YouTube linked to my Google account-- 0 OWL Coins

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I’m referring to those complaining about the rewards, not the tokens. The tokens are always given for watching OWL, but these current cosmetic rewards are not. I am also having issues with tokens, as I previously spoke about. You really should consider using basic reading ability to ascertain the context of someone’s post before you make a sarcastic response to it.

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Yall had the same issue, me too i do think it’s delayed because i did get my 6 hours of overwatch league points last year which was delayed, i do hope they do get the right count of points ive been eyeing at some lovely skins like genji paris eternal and Washington justice

Has anyone received an update? I still haven’t got anything.


Got nothing for Thursday Friday and Saturday…rest of week worked fine


Yeah I missed the last four days of rewards. I watched both live and encore. Man… I’m really holding out for the 15th. Praying. How can I be invested in this game if it doesn’t work.


Same here … I watched EVERYTHING and if I get screwed???

I won’t uninstall lol, but I will never again support OWL. What a terrible way to try and build viewership!

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Yep exactly the same here.
When it did work I got up to 160 tokens plus bap n sig skins.

still nothing here, watched just about every stream and got 15 tokens and no skins or anything, Customer Support said they cant do anything lmao

I wouldn’t even mind if they had mentioned somewhere that they’re working on having the rewards issued. Someone said there was a mod list earlier but I can’t seem to find it. Does anyone else know where it might be?


I haven’t gotten the 5 tokens per hour nor the 100 tokens from watching the Overwatch Grand Finals, I’ve watched over 40 hours and haven’t gotten anything. I swear if the Royal Knight skin goes off on the 15th, I’ll be fuming.

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The “Royal Knight” Mercy skin will 100% be gone when the Nov 15th patch releases. They have mentioned that a few times in the last couple of weeks. Here’s a recent example from their Twitter page:

It is worth mentioning that there will likely be the LA Gladiator “team mix” version of the “Royal Knight” Mercy available for 200 OWL tokens starting on the 15th, as well as the Fuel and Dragons versions of the Genji “Happi” skin.

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My issues is … what do we do when the 15th passes and support tells us “Sorry, you must have not linked your accounts?” or some such nonsense?

It it too bad the YT does not have something similar to Twitch’s Inventory page that tracks drops. Would have saved a ton of stress lol!


I’m just adding in to keep the topic going that I got tokens and rewards during everything but the finals and nothing was different from watching the playoffs and the finals for my setup, I literally never closed the window during it all to make sure no settings changed and I would always open the new stream when it started and refresh the page and again the only time I stopped getting the rewards was during the finals.


I watched all of it, every single match and the encore when it was available, and have only received the first tier of skins (Bastion, etc) and around 20 tokens. This was randomly on like day two I think… Received nothing since.

Where’s the rest of it, hmm? I allowed you to add me as a “viewer” to this thing I have no interest in, so the least you can do is grant me the goods you bribed me with.

Wow cool! I’m surprised there won’t be any sojourn skins pumped out. Proper should be rewarded. She was a pivotal part of the championship. Happy genji doesn’t need another rerun.


Dude you need to take this to someone in charge.

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Less than 20 hours to go…

I watched every stream on YT with “Connected” showing as well as watched on the official League App (just in case lol) and I have received exactly 9 hours of rewards : Tracer, Genji, Bastion, Mercy, Mei, Hanzo, Ana, Brigitte and Zenyatta skins plus a unmoving 115 tokens. Still missing the Grand Finals rewards and the last 21 hours of listed rewards 20 hours before the deadline. I did not link my YT account to Overwatch league, I linked it to Blizzard and hold them responsible for the deception if it shakes out that way.

Do I think it more likely there were separate issues with both YT and The League App (when both said I was good to go essentially with the “Connected” thing) or that Blizzard possibly did not want to allocate the resources to get this done with hundreds of thousands of accounts and outsourced the process?

Game is fun, but sort of a disaster in some areas at the same time. Might hop off for a few months and come back once PVE is out and hopefully the monetization is in a better place - as currently it is so bad that people are forced to try to get cosmetics via watching YT and Twitch streams if they don’t want to spend $20 a skin. Before you say “get a job” just know that I have 2 so when I dedicate 30+ hours of my time towards something that promised a payoff and then does not deliver said pay off It makes me just want nothing to do with all parties involved.

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Same story here …

I “won” 190 tokens for now (had 60 tokens at the begining and I ended up with 250). BUT I watched ALL playoffs and finals streams (Encore included obviously) and still MISSING TONS of tokens like many.

About the skins, I got everything until Roadhog Baptiste and Sigma included. No other skins after that. And like everybody, the last 2 days I received NOTHING. No skins or tokens.

And for the finals I only got Kiriko and Junker Queen. But no Sojourn or sprays or else. Funny since Sojourn was the first tier to unlock before Kiriko and Junker Q…

And of course, the fact I got 190 tokens just prove by itself that I watched their competition for more than 30 hours…

By the way do we know if all the stream watchers are in the same situation or if some people managed to actually get everything at this stage?

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