Overwatch League Rewards Guide - UPDATE on YouTube Platform Rewards Incentives

I think they will eventually add those gray OWL skins to the OWL tab that Lucio’s emote is in, and their white away versions as well. Hopefully there are more incentives to come with the pass this season as they kept adding rewards to it last year, like the away skins they gave out.

I assume this is the most correct place to mention:

the OWL2019deadeye twitch icon has extra border artifacts when using on darkmode. Needs a bit of touch-up.

I’m one of the people who weren’t earning tokens after changing our country and I think it’s fixed for me now! Didn’t get any extra tokens as compensation or anything but I’m fine with that as it’s only a freebie for watching something that’s enjoyable on its own.
Big thanks to WyomingMyst for being helpful and listening to us instead of just offering the same advice over and over again!

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Okay, I am also one of those affected by the country change issue. Got some tokens on Stage 1 Week 4 Day 1 of Overwatch League. Hope it continues to work as intended on Day 2 and so on. Will keep you updated.

Hmm… just wondering though, Blizzard will not compensate the amount of hours watched in the two weeks when we are not getting tokens??

I do not really mind earning tokens here on out but if blizzard is willing to that would be pretty cool for a game company. Someone should have the stats for the hours watched right?

Thanks to both of you for reporting that you are now earning tokens. I will note that my goal is to always try and get people to start earning tokens moving forward and I just simply cannot guarantee that Blizzard is going to be able to reverse engineer any accumulated view time. So while it sucks to miss out on a couple of weeks I’m just happy that we were able to get it working now.


Hmm Strange, Stage 1 Week 4 Day 2, 2 hours in and not receiving tokens while the other account only got a 3 token drop. Hmm… maybe delayed drops for today? My accounts are linked like yesterday, didn’t change anything.

Give me a few minutes to check, I think there has been some overall lag in token drops, I am coming up on my due time for a new drop on my account. So it may not be just you.

UPDATE: My drop just came in so I know token drops are overall working, you are watching on Twitch yes?

I am watching on overwatch league website though, no issues yesterday

Guess ill switch now, i had twitch on just to check notifications

Please try watching for at least one hour on Twitch.

Yep, switched over and watching now. Will the ads affect the watching time. I watch on overwatch league website due to the myriad of ads on twitch

Ok this is weird, a drop just came in, i got a drop for watching 2 hours?? hahah

Okay give it a bit, sometimes on delays, you may see two notifications appear within a short time frame.

hmmm okay, will keep you updated

hmm… final match has ended, only got 9 tokens on this account and 6 on the other account… what? hahaha

My guess is individual time banks might be a little bit off sync from each other

hmmm maybe but some days are really like that… see how tmr.

update: Kind of weird though… its about 5 hours for the entire thing today? Should be getting 12 or most 15 tokens right? If it is 1 hours for 3 tokens

You dont get anything from watching watchpoint right?

Correct, from what I’ve been told watchpoint does not count towards token drop time.

Will there be an issue if you watch twitch or overwatch league for the same stream but on two different devices?

still no tokens dude
reaaally looking forward to a proper fix :smiley:

thank you