Overwatch is depressing

You know why people are so upset and toxic in overwatch? Because they can not trust their teammate to preform to any standard.

Not even the very basic things like grouping up, playing around a tank, and the greatest sin, NOT CHANGING WHEN BEING COUNTERED OR INEFFECTIVE. Like do people not enjoy even capping the first point?? How is it fun dying repeatedly and accomplishing nothing?

Maybe it’s not enough people playing in my region (eastern US on Ps4) to make even games or something, but watching my teammates is just depressing. Playing this game has become depressing.



Play with friends. You’ll feel better and the game will become exciting again.

That’s solo que for you. That’s how it was since Season 1 and it hasn’t changed now.

I find Overwatch to be less depressing than life in general. Not that that’s saying much.

All my friends quit overwatch and moved on to other games. I really want to like overwatch, but my games have been so bad.

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Something to look forward to :slight_smile:

majority of the playerbase likes to play spawnsimulator… calls it fun.


As hard as it is I can only suggest making new friends within the game. If you have a Youtuber or Twitch streamer you like and they have a Discord join up and find some people you like.

is it getting worse? would make sense that as the playerbase shrinks we would see a wider variety of skill levels and/or less balanced matches

lately I noticed more and more people just not even trying. & it is a compounding effect, I will admit, there are matches where I inevitably wind up thinking “welp, everyone else on my team gave up, time to learns me some Doomfist”


The motivation on both sides community and developers have dropped regardless of animated shorts combined with cosmetics. If the game have less impact on hero balancing and no tweaks to fix reworked heroes. The game on both ends leads to toxicity just like LoL and LoL seems to be having their own issues as we speak.

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No circumstances are justification for bullying another player.

If you’re raging, spouting insults and hurting people over a video game, you need to take a long break and figure out how to cap yourself.

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Have you tried the in-game LFG or the PS4 LFG? I hear that’s made a big difference for many people.

I would, but like I said in the OP, I can’t trust my teammates and LFG has been dead on Ps4 since the lfg button has been inaccessible.

I’ve seen two group at most and both are for competive ranks beyond me.

Maybe overwatch is really dying. It’s sad to see a game I’ve played so much die such a slow and sad death (in my region).