Overwatch is and should be balanced around top players

well i agree as long as we mean GM, and NOT OWL

the game should not be balanced arround OWL because OWL is basically a completetly different game

All I say is if your game sucks to play in the ranks where the majority of your games population is, don’t expect them to stay playing.

Everyone above diamond likes crappying on the rest of the ranks, but complain its not enough people to make a game up of just one or their ranks.

I hope all you top players enjoy playing with each other, cause that all that’s go be left when you ignore the casual majority.


only that it shouldn’t happen. because you don’t balance things with lack of skill as a factor, you balance them over the full extent of their possible capabilities. if you’ll think about it I’m sure you’ll reach the same conclusion.

Because I know I bought a game by the name of Overwatch back in 2016 and this isn’t it anymore.
It’s a whole completely different experience now.

Not inviting, not casual friendly anymore, none of my friends play it anymore and I’ve made cca 100 of them who used to play it actively…

It’s bait and switch. That’s what this product is. It just so happens that this top 0.5% of content creators play it to pay their bills but you can’t expect everyone else to be an expert at this game to the same extent and therefore enjoy it the same way. That is ridiculous.

By attempting to appease the streamers, Blizzard has failed its core consumers.


Didn’t that happen with launch brig, then?

yeah it should be based on the top 1%
but not if the hitboxes looks like this:

because it would be infering that these hitboxes aren’t ridiculous.
also abusing broken mechanics in the game like these
makes the game less competitive.
etc etc.

i think you guys get what i’m saying.

coherency and expectations has to be consistent for it to play like a competitive game.
if a doom can punch me and one-shot me through a wall and really shouldn’t be able to, the game essentially lied to me and killed me even if i played it in the correct way.
which is why i don’t take this game seriously, well that and some other things.


Well yet another post where so many people just don’t seem to get it. The balance of the game has nothing to do with who is playing it. Let me say that again “the balance of the game has nothing to do with who is playing it”. Pro player have the time to play the game and figure out the small nuances of a changes( buff or nerf). This is because I don’t know they are professional and playing video games is the job they do every day. Most streamers are the same playing games all day. I am lucky with a IT job, wife, Kids, house, vehicles, etc that I can get a couple of hours of play time in a day. Were the professional/streamer is playing 12+ hours a day. Heck it takes me a week to get 5 hours of play time on any hero. Where they more than double that in a single day.

So anyone comparing a every day player to a professional really need to re-examine how they compare things. Simply because I know how to use a knife with a steady hand in real life doesn’t mean i would be a good brain surgeon.

Really the pro and streamers are great and finding issue with the game faster than most. They will find glitches, broken spots and so many issues they really should be the beta testers for games. They have the time to find them.

Next blizzard/ow devs should be using weighted stats, collecting them from all players organizing them by rank. Taking the largest group gold as what you would call middle of the road and then start weighting them with upper ranks. This helps to blend the data to a happier middle ground for all. Also collecting more stats like if widow is scoped in an shooting and no one is even in her scope so they can alter the stats so not to get caught cheating.

Oh and stop buffing and nerfing where the problem really is the kit/ability not its damage or heal. So many time buffs and nerfs are done because of bad design or poor kits implementation

So again balance really doesn’t have much to do with who is playing the game.

The problem is, top players don’t even know what they’re balancing towards. They’re not a hive mind anymore than the forums or reddit are. You’ll have the players that want every hero to be viable 100% of the time or at least as many as possible at any given time. Then you’ll have the one tricks who want all their counters or competitors nerfed. You’ll have the one’s who still want overwatch to hold onto it’s values of being a team based fps with counter picking being it’s core mechanic.

You just can’t balance for all of those different beliefs. Even though Blizzard tries to cater to them all at once.

The same thing at the top as what you’ll find at the bottem.

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Guess what happened when her nerfs came, oh yea lots of games were ruined because of boosted players being unable to keep up on other heros since they were way out of their league as they slowly fall back to where they belong.

Hey lets keep 1% of the player base happy and screw over the other 90%. Seems like a legit move over the course of time to keep players playing.

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if you want to play in the competitive card - then you play under competitive terms. if you want to have fun play QP, meta heroes status doesn’t matter in QP. if anything, destroy the power creep and unskilled value gain, and give only space to skillful play to make the people get better, like it was in the good old days with old competitive games, everyone loved them.

What does any of this has to do with comp mode or qp, both modes are affected by balance changes.

Stuff like peak reaper lifesteal wasnt an issue diamond up, but for ppl gold and below he was a major issue and it was unfun for them to play against especially if you were playing on tank or support.

What you want wont work well in overwatch because it was never designed to be that way from the map designs and hero kits.

Yeah sure… OWL is kinda dead, noone cares about it anymore. Balancing just around highest level of players… aint good for a game like this. Just watch at few years ago at LoL, they did the same and lost a huge amount of players for that time. I dont care if they balance around top tier players, but dont expect that players on lower tier take this kinda senseless out of touch buffs/nerfs. Thats how u loose more and more players. Just look at “buffed” reaper with 50% lifesteal, do you really think that lower players enjoy getting freaking rolled by a single character again and again?

I disagree with you, and I’ll also argue that your statements are subjectively wrong, I do respect your opinion however.

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But they doesn’t think about how playable and interesting character will be without full team with great communication.
Great example is Sombra - from dynamic flanker with innteresting stealth process to invisible camera. On Sombra flank is not a useful strategy today because stealth is slow and translocator is breakable you will do more just staying behind team and hold m2 for doom or hamster. Sound boring and sad.
they killed Sombra’s gameplay interest.

So maybe some changes must be only in OWL - For example return Sombra to simple players and don’t change her in OWL?

  1. Brig isn’t just being nerfed, her entire identity is being removed. Idc what GMs think about this, it doesn’t matter. You can’t remove the armor part from the “armor giving” support. Imagine you wake up tomorrow and see Genji can no longer wall climb, or Reaper doesn’t self heal, or Torb doesn’t have a turret anymore. This shouldn’t even be debatable.

If they think Brig was a mistake, well suck it up buttercups. I think d00m and ball were BIG mistakes as well and yet I have to accept they exist.

  1. When you’re balancing a game you can’t simply ignore 95% of your playerbase and only accept feedback from GMs and Pros. These are not the people keeping your game alive, the other 95% is. Like it or not, the people who keep the lights on for overwatch have to be taken into consideration. Otherwise they’ll leave and they’ll take their friends with them. So stop ignoring the majority of your players.

  2. Viewship should have nothing to do with how the game is balanced. Viewrship should be a byproduct of an enjoyable game and not a stat to balance around. And yes I am reffering to the recent and absurd Genji buffs trying to force him in the OWL META. How sad is that?

You can be diamond with zero mechanical skill in this game

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Okay. If it doesn’t matter to us. Why are people complaining? Because it does. The low levels position is this: The character is fine and isn’t causing a problem here. leave her alone HERE. That is why I advocate to isolate the high ranks like they did with hero pools. Change the characters that are problems for them as much as they need. Same goes for low ranks.

This problem happened, but in reverse with Reaper. He’s crap in high rank. In low rank, he’s not. So because your side always takes priority. Everyone else had to suffer from his stupid 50% life steal. Requiring no work to get kills. He’s nerfed again, so now he needs to do work, to get kills. But he’s more crap in even more cases in higher rank.

If the ranks had a balance change point. Reaper could be made BETTER in high ranks and not affect low ranks at all. That’s my argument and stance. But since everyone just always says the top down knows the best. Doing this would be bad. Even though does anyone here have evidence of a game attempting this, and it royally blowing up in their face. I don’t have data, but does your side have data?

Since top-down is best, the ceiling should be Masters. Not GM. Balance changes should be primarily centered around Masters, with consideration given to GM and the lower ranks as required.

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it never happened and will most likely never happens too.
A player with 2000 hours played on a single hero (which is pretty common on high rank) can point at subtle details and talk about it, that’s about it.

How about we let owl players decide how to balance owl in a meaningful way. And then split balancing between owl and the base game, so usually everything is balanced around masters/gm and owl specifically gets balanced for owl.
And then we can include an “OWL-ruleset” thingy for custom games so their scrims are identical to the league.
This would however limit the seperated balancing to number changes an reworks would have to be the same with different numbers ofc