Overwatch has lost its magic

With so many hundreds of millions of dollars of investor money involved in the OWL, it’s unreasonable to think it isn’t their utmost priority even at the absolute expense of the actual game.

They made their bed with OWL. Now they lie in it.


I often think that they aren’t even playing the same game that we are.

Ok. Let me just say that I am not saying you are wrong. Games do lose the magic after a while. Players DO get burned out. It happens. But what I am trying to say here, is that Overwatch is much different than that average “burn out”.

I have several games on my shelf beside me and on Steam that I simple love and have been playing for years and I dont get burned out on them. They are still super fun to me. Sure, they may not be “fresh and new” but to me, there is still magic in them. Heck, I can still put on Planet Coaster and get lost for hours and hours on end. (different genre I know).

The problem with Overwatch is that I start it up, play one match, and I instantly want to stop playing. There are a lot of reasons for this. Hero balance, for me personally is a really huge one, but there are tons of other reasons why this game just isn’t fun.

Let me be clear, I WANT to enjoy the game. I LOVE Overwatch. I love the heroes and lore and art style. Its like a beautiful car, it looks amazing, but someone forgot to install the engine so its not going anywhere.

Also, I have played WoW for 8+ years and I still love it as much as the first day I started playing. (with the exception of BfA. This has been the worst expansion to date. Even worse than WoD. I dont know what is going on at Blizz but its like they want to ruin their games or something)

I have never had a “burn out” with WoW. If anything, its the opposite. It sucks me in to the point where I should start to look at my life and check if I have an addiction problem. lol. Overwatch on the other hand has been going downhill, no stop. I can’t figure it out.

Honestly. We didn’t need another DPS. We still dont need DPS. Ashe 100% has a place in Overwatch, but she did NOTHING to help the state of the game. Very bad hero choice for BlizzCon, especially when the entire community was screaming for tanks and heals.

Youre right Cersei. There is much more to it than just bad hero balance. It runs much deeper than that.

Yea, its almost like as a casual player, I dont even feel welcomed in the game anymore.

Amen to this. That armor change was a really bad choice. You can’t change something like that without rebalancing every hero in the game. I mean, have you tried healing a tank since this change? They take so much more damage to the point where you can hardly keep them alive with burst damage. Although, I think that IS what they wanted. They wanted to make sure Tanks could die so there would be no GOATS in OWL.

This is another massive failure IMO. Honestly, just think of the potential with PVE RAIDS! 12 players versus a Omnic boss of some type. The levels of fun would be through the roof.

Also the fact that we are 3 years in and there is still NO NEW CORE GAME MODES?

Yea, the armor change really messed everything up. Even before that change, I think there was a problem with burst damage anyway.

This has always been a problem. I mean, when hasn’t half the roster been a joke.

I got on to get the Zen skin, and I literally dont care about anything else.

Should counters even be a thing though? I think thats a better question.

The super secret stuff has always been super strange to be. You look at other games and they have good communication and lay out road maps for the player base. I think this is a very healthy thing to do and it helps the community not be disappointed in things.

If you knew that in 8 months they were going to announce a guild system, then everyone would have something to look forward to. I think development road maps are great. Everything being a secret is not fun.

I have tried everything from being angry to complaining to making constructive criticism or suggestions and none of it matters. They dont listen to the average players and I think that is sort of the point. I mean, just look at my topics that Ive created if you want an idea.

For example:

If you want a constructive post, there you go.

Ive thought about it. lol

I agree. The game has always needed this.

They really need to start pumping out more heroes. 4 heroes a year is no where near enough.

Pretty much. BfA is a mess.

Honestly the game is a mess right now.

This is very important and devs should pay more attention when people say this.

Time will tell I guess.

Also very important. Overwatch is certainly lacking in the fun department lately.

This is 100% right. Like I said, at this point I think they need to totally rework the game and not the heroes. I mean, the rock/paper/scissors thing hasn’t worked for 3 years. People want to pick a hero and play it and not worry about another hero totally deleting you and you not being able to do anything about it.

Its okay to make a hero slightly weaker/stronger against other heroes, but I think its time to make the entire cast viable and stop making counters a thing.



Can you be more hyperbolic and dramatic. Seeing goats constantly is super boring. Moreover, dps did pathetic damage to tanks. Tank should anchor for his team to advance, not be the dominant strategy. The fact that DPS is so rarely used in pro play tells you that the game is not correctly balanced. Cry about having your main class nerfed, but your issues about the game being worse are completely subjective

You can’t lose something you never had in the first place.

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Can you exchange it somewhere?

It lost its magic a long time ago, this game is nothing but skins and reused events looool

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It wasn’t the pathetic damage DPS put out on the tanks, it was that DPS could be killed by being 1 shot. Dying that quick in a match with no ability to be saved by a healer was the major problem.

Time to kill is the problem. Low time to kill = Call of Duty. Overwatch was fun because there was more to getting kills than 1 shotting people. No one likes being insta gibbed. I chose tank just to get away from that and live against snipers, stuns, etc… If anything needed to happen, DPS just needed more health, not tanks needing less.


I think you kinda missed the point and my views might be subjective but they are shared by a LOT of players.

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Overwatch never really had magic. What likely happened is that you got better at the game and are better able to see its flaws.

Tf2 has tons of insta gibs. They even have random crits. And that game is great. I prefer fast paced high stakes. I come from counter strike 1.6 however.

Example. Hots feels like a wet noodle fight. League and DotA have way more potential for high skill fast kills and the game is better for it.

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That’s fine. I totally disagree, and my views are also shared by a lot of players.

Yeah, same for every hero with 200-250 HP in the Game. So everything sucks beside tanks because you can kill them with stun?

Well- that is true atm.

Well, here’s the deal about the casual vs pro community. The casual crowd will pay out huge amounts of cash up front, but have substantially less return in the long-run, while the pro community pays the longer-term bills. Typically, the solution to poor long-term profitability from casual audiences is stuff like DLCs, but Overwatch obviously doesn’t have those. It has microtransactions, which I think normally could substitute perfectly fine (particularly given the success other games have had with them… i.e. GTA and Fortnite), but the problem that Blizzard’s running into is that they’re practicing a more-predatory form of microtransactions that has shown up in the tabloids for its consumer-unfriendly nature, whereas other games use a more direct system. Consequently, casuals aren’t as interested as investing in the game via that system, so longer term value doesn’t pan out as expected.

There’s more to it than that, but the point is, casual audiences are great for a quick fix of money. That’s basically why games like CoD come out every single year (or occasionally once every other year), because casual audiences will mass-consume, then by the time they’re ready to move on and drop support, the next product is out.

You mean like Reaper who just got a buff that made him a monster the lower tier he’s in and made no effect on him above diamond.


Yes but balance has no effect on low tiers, didn’t you hear? :roll_eyes:

Wrong, the OWL is not the issue that’s plaguing the game; the real issue plaguing the game are bad game design decisions, which are baked into the game’s core experience due to the fact that Blizzard had no shooter experience before creating Overwatch, and some of those are quite impossible to remedy without creating a whole new game now.

What the OWL in reality does is exposing those ugly issues to the broad daylight, because when pros are playing a game, they dissect everything without any mercy.

not sure how the game gets worse since they dont remove anything from it :thinking:

anyway…maybe im unique (doubtful) but i like the game as much now as when i first started playing it…because i simply find the game is well made and the unique challenges it presents appeal to me…

the balance changes have literally 0 impact on me as i dont have a main, i play everyone, i flex, i avoid the toxic community by generally avoiding competitive…the game is always fun because thats my goal when i sit down to play…im always learning and thus always enjoying my time…always trying something different

and stuff only ever gets added to the game so i dont really see that changing…i learn new things every day while playing…

any time i see posts like these the first question i always ask myself is what exactly do people want out of the game…cause the majority of the complaints i see around here all sound like ME issues:

  • i dont like this
  • i wish they did this
  • i cant do X…
  • i didnt like person X

if thats all people are going to focus on when they play then of course theyre not going to enjoy it…

and then of course theres the amount of importance people place on “rank”…that magical number that the only thing that matters on many occasions…often times the things i listed above stem from how it affects that…even if people dont admit it…i dont like this change (because its going to affect my rank), i wish they did this (because it would benefit me personally)…

i say this all the time, but try not playing comp for a bit and stop focusing on the end result of matches…see how much you enjoy the game then…try to do something different for a change other than playing the same 3 characters…over and over again…try playing for something other than “i need to get to X rank”…give yourself a different reason for playing the game

if you still cant enjoy it…well maybe this game just isnt for you

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Lol I’m in plat and reaper is trash.

Speak for yourself. I love this patch.