Overwatch Gamer Server Down?

Where’s AndyB with reassurance when you need him :frowning:

You get kicked and you get kicked everybody get kicked.


And They Say, And They Say, And They Say, Chivalry Is Dead…


I am kind of glad the servers went down. Been drinking and lost the last three I will probably switch to my drinking alt now lol


I’m in EU and it’s down as well…

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i cant even traceroute it i was on Hanamura tryign to take objective a and is seen a ping spike and a red icon i was like oh crap this isnt good

Same here. I cannot log into the game server.

Maybe it was a ddos attack??

It wasn’t enough that everyone is crashing randomly, they’re shutting servers down too.

Sorry for my Huge EMP. didnt it was going to affect other people in different game.


Wouldn’t they communicate with us by now if it were?

Good sign to move on to my one trick account or my drinking account.

I dunno. I’m just mad because I’m trying to grind credits and play with my friend.

Game server connection failed, retrying

:’) … It’s fine. It’s all fine.


Oh no :frowning: I’m sorry to hear

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You expect a timely moderation at just around home time?

I hope that at least you got the achievement spray! :stuck_out_tongue:

no it isnt all overwatch servers are down either due to a ddos attack or something else but the ping was odd before they crashed

I can’t connect too :sob: