Overwatch doesn't feel fun anymore

I am a low silver support player, pretty much always have been and always will be. I feel like recently no matter my low rank I’ve been matched against these amazing teams and players who feel so far above my level it feels like we can’t do anything at all in a match. Like spending most of the match getting headshot from across the map while barely out of spawn. Overwatch doesn’t feel fun to play anymore because we keep getting pitted against these god-tier players and teams and I wanted to see if yall feel the same. Maybe see if there’s any rational explanation. I play in a 3 stack with bronzes and we have won one game in the last several days with several hours played each day. It’s frustrating and I think it may be time for a break from OW2 until the big people in the sky change something to make it more playable for the lower ranked players.


Yup, they are working on it.

Overwatch 2 developer blog: Matchmaker and competitive deep dive, part 1

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Same - I just played 2 games with insane smurfs and not just 1 person, like half the team.

Before I get trolled to “get gud”. I am trying, which is why I want to play people at my skill, just like any other sport.

Thats what I said to Grandma last night - not feeling this anymore - she told me to grab the pills.

Well there you go! BOOM HEADSHOT!

Sometimes its not what you play but how you play it.

They said before launch they weren’t changing ANYTHING in ranked and they still haven’t.

for the love of god, don’t just assume you have to attack into a meat grinder from one direction, flanking with moira or any hero with high mobility can switch their targeting focus and punish low mouse sensivity

For as long as you stay alive

Christ, be honest with yourself, no they’re not.

It’s been freaking 6 years, they’re not fixing the game, it’s dead.