OverWatch discounts killing this game

I decided to play a practice match against the bots…

Replay Code: M4GK2A

But bots were not only in the enemy team…

What’s happening?

  1. Man buys multiple copies of OverWatch at a discount.

Blizzard absolutely does not regulate the availability of only 4 accounts per person.

  1. Then several copies of the game are launched AT THE SAME TIME in window mode. All accounts are combined into one group.

Blizzard absolutely does not struggle with the simultaneous launch of multiple copies of the game on the one computer.

  1. After that, each character moves SOMETIMES so that he is not excluded for inaction. And all in order to get level 25 and open access to the competitive mode. The lack of colors in their endorsment level only confirms that they received all these levels in this way.

Blizzard is absolutely ineffective antiafk system.

Should I explain that at best they will break the balance of matches, and at worst … even cheating.

And remember, all money is green.

I’m not just not interested in your opinion. It’s disgusting to me!


We all know Jeff works hard. You just have to wait …

OverWatch 3


Given that this only gets them to level 25, essentially skipping the span of time for which they might play outside of their MMR (as if QP even cared about MMR in the first place), I have trouble caring, let alone getting upset, about this?

Ofc, I also see little to no point in giving exp from most custom games — less so unofficial matches vs. solely AI — so /shrug.

This would be impossible to do.

This they could prevent but there are ways around it… Just open up each game in a VM.

My above aren’t opinions but facts.

Botters could be doing this for 1 or 2 reasons.

  1. Testing new bot code
  2. Getting to 25 in hopes of having even lower MMR which means they don’t have to throw as hard in their placement matches to place bronze. At that point they then sell the accounts to people that want to smurf.
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I’ll probably tell you a secret, but the list of possibilities is much more:

  1. Lower these accounts to Bronze (and they are very much appreciated) and resell.

Moreover, no one promises that this will happen on 6 accounts at once.
Do you want to be sixth?

  1. Raise these accounts to GM and resell.

And if he also does not win all the matches during the calibration…

  1. Use these accounts to BOOST people in the group.

  1. Play with cheats and then resell.

And please don’t think that some kind of protection against smurfs / throwers will help you.

I, for example, a GM player, was calibrated to gold. I took the Master rank for a VERY long time and it was with a good winrate. And this is ONE account.

I’m not just not interested in your facts. It’s disgusting to me!

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i heard there were sites that sell many different game accounts with many legendary skins

maybe it’s related to that

Now you sound like someone that lives in a famous white house.

Yeah it is a thing.
I remember people do this with their Dota 2 accounts when I was still a hardcore Dota 2 player. They weren’t cheap though, as some of these accounts have ridiculously expensive cosmetics in there.

This could be their intent, but they’d be mistaken if they think QP MMR affects placements in Comp.

More likely they just want to hit 25 with as little effort as possible.

Did you read the post I linked? That guy leveled an alt with a 24% winrate in quick play and was still seeded in gold. The rest of your post is just about what happens after you’ve started playing comp, which is irrelevant to whether quick play performance affects your initial seed.

This is like, the most niche problem I’ve ever seen.

It literally makes no sense does it?

In any not clear situation, say niche. What I have shown is not an exception, but a rule. There are plenty of such people. Why can’t you see them? Well, because there are no places in the team?


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It’s probably cause I play at high diamond, which is usually far beyond their reach. Nonetheless, it’s sales for a… pretty pointless gag.

Call me narrow minded but I don’t see much of a problem. One person spending 5x as much as they need to for a laugh is… mildly amusing.

Remember this when someone on your team plays poorly.

Or when the enemy will destroy all living things.

The simplest rule of economics is that demand creates supply. And if one person creates 5 accounts …

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This is the most… ominous statement I’ve seen in awhile, ngl

I heard that Bronze accounts are more expensive than GM … I don’t know if this is true, but it makes you wonder

They are, yeah. It’s surprisingly hard to derank in OW because of how unpredictable silver-gold games are.

Oooh, so I can launch multiple instances at once?oh thats really good to know… hehehe, really good.

To be honest, no one really knows. Your QP MMP likely has a part in who you’re place with when you do your very first placements. You have no SR at that point so it has to have some general idea where to put you.