Overwatch Difficulty Tier List

True, I guess. However, you don’t pick Sombra in a team comp because she can shoot “boolets.” You choose her for EMP. Her ability to kill other heroes is sub par compared to the other dps heroes. So, while your logic is irrefutable (given the nature of all dps heroes job) if you’re not getting EMP then why not pick someone else🤷‍♂️? That’s literally Sombra’s only job. So, lower on the totem pole of skill in my opinion.

i didnt see all lists but if anyone doesnt moira at the bottom by herself, you are wrong. this opinion is a fact btw.

E - Moira
D - Mercy, Mei, Brigitte, Orisa, Lucio
B - Ana, Zarya, Sym, Cree, Zen, 76, Pharah, Reaper, Torb, Hog, Bastion, Junkrat, Rein
A - Hammond,Winston,D.va, Tracer, Doomfist, Ashe, Widowmaker,Hanzo, Genji, Baptiste, Sigma, Sombra
S -

S- Tracer, Widowmaker, Hammond, Genji
A- Zenyatta, Sombra, Doomfist, Mccree, Ana, Winston
B- Soldier 76, Ashe, Hanzo, Pharah, Reinhardt, Lucio
C- Orisa, Reaper, Bastion, Mei, Roadhog, D.va, Torbjörn, Zarya, Baptiste, Symmetra
D- Mercy, Brigitte, Junkrat
E- Moira

Shouldn’t the amount of heroes in S-B and C-E be close in a tier liest? I noticed that your A-tier alone has as many heroes as C-E put together.

Anyway, here are the explanations for some of my placements.
Genji, Mccree and Winston are all pretty punishing, which is why I placed all of them higher than you did.

I also think that Ana’s ability to usage is more difficult than that of Lucio or Baptiste. That combined with her relatively high mechanical skill requirement and vulnerability made me put her in A tier, while putting Lucio and Baptiste in lower tiers.

I don’t really think Roadhog is a difficult hero to play. His positioning and ability usage is fairly simple and his hooks aren’t that difficult to land. D.va and Zarya also aren’t that difficult to maser. D.va especially largely relies on a general understanding of the game.

Orisa doesn’t strike me as that difficult of a hero to play. Mostly she’s about knowing where to put your shield and knowing when and where to shoot your halt. Reinhardt also isn’t quite hard enough to warrant a place in the A-tier in my opinion.

Junkrat is very simple and easy, which is why I placed her in D- tier. Brig on the other hand isn’t quite as straightforward as Moira.

hardest heros to play well: Doomfist, Genji, Tracer, Bastion, Sombra & Mcree.

I’d switch Zarya with Roadhog but other than that your list is pretty accurate.

Wei should BE on e or f tbh :joy::joy:

Rly u dont know what tipycal is?
wow Masters as moira so hard to do dude

Says the hardstuck plat :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

Also it’s typical* :slight_smile:

I mean get some respect to ur self and others
dont rank shame others plus i hit diamond last season
and ur making other moira mains a joke even tho they dont deserve it

Excuse me, I rank shamed you after you insulted me hun :slight_smile: called me braindead Moira player LOL

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What i didnt i just said that u cant define a plat moira from a gm moira bc her play style is limited
and i didnt sneak to ur profile to shame ur rank like u did. such a disrespectful person tbh
and u insulted me before i did

Moira is a 2 star lol

Oh you didn’t, are you sure?

Pretty sure I rank shamed after you called me a braindead player :slight_smile:

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:stuck_out_tongue: Shut up now
20 char

That was a joke hence the :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

So every insult is a joke?
so i was joking as well?
Stop creating fake stuff after u got roasted

ROASTED? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. Yeah you sure roasted me… Are you serious? hahaha.

Aren’t this type of difficulty chart biased?

Like, someone who has a good aim but really bad positioning could find Widow/McCree/Ashe/Soldier pretty easy to play while they can struggle playing Reinhardt/Orisa.

I think it’s subjective. Any hero can be difficult to play.
If you don’t know how to position yourself, you’ll be useless as Mercy or Brig.
Resource management? Useless as Moira.
Cooldown management? Useless as Ana.

Etc etc.

If you find a hero easy, someone else can find him hard, that’s all.

I mean stop it trying to switch stuff around now at least be respectful or be desrespectful and take responsibility to ur trash talking