Overwatch developers hypocrisy

This honestly makes me really depressed

Calling a something bug-fix means a bug was fixed , in this case mercy boosting dragonstrike (for 2 years)
its not rocket science

They labelled it as a bug fix after people started to find out about the nerf.


Now im just curios to see what the video said since there is so much talk about it.

Edit: I found it and is just a trash video. What i should have been expecting?


That is incredibly naive, what bug in any game do you know of had extensive design choices put into the game for said bug. Why would a bug need visual effects, sound effects, and a killfeed animation?

You understand the mercy shows up in the killfeed as a participant of those ults right? Why would a bug even have that put in the game?


Thats… what im saying. I said that was bullsht, that was an answer to a comment defending this crap of a excuse

I said to tom this in the original post

Nerver intended? Do you really think ( as a company) that we are idiots?

.Reins shatter for 2 years is an unintended bug,

.Sombra’s MANY MANY bugs for 2 years are unintended

Mercy’s abiltie mechaninc was not a bug tom, and its not because you feel like now that blizzards failures to balance has left 90% of the player base tired of your lies and mediocrity.


You should make sure to clarify that, at this point it wouldn’t surprise me if they’d reach at anything that remotely shows support for their decision making just to justify it.

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That hit me too close to home in regard to sombra. The new changes are objectivly crap but when people claim she is better i fear someone at blizzard sees it and says ‘‘hmm i guess we did a good job, succesful rework achieved’’’

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Its gotta be abundantly clear that you reject something on here, and even then it will likely be twisted. Kinda sad TBH.


I just realized something important.

The only real, current, competitive scene besides overwatch that blizzard has is hearthstone.

Starcraft 2 is dead and old.

Starcraft 3 isnt out yet and the fans dont think it’ll happen in a long time.

For now…

Don’t click the link. It’s a link to a garbage tier music video.

Pink Floyd garbage tier? Sure thing. Boy you sure know your music.


128,429 views and a garbage band name. I sure do know my music.

HAHAHAHHAHA sure you do. You must be 12. No way in hell you are any older than that.
Anyways ignored from now on. Nothing to talk about with you.


Lol, what does age have to do with this. You tried to clickbait people with a link to a garbage tier music video and i called you out for it. Next time, don’t clickbait? This isn’t YouTube.

ahh yes, from what i just watched with the “if blizzard was honest” vid on youtube.

They streamlined WoW to be casualized and it drove a lot of people away from teh game.

and it seems they’re doing the same thing to overwatch.

And its hilarious because thats what we’re essentially complaining about.

Almost everything we’ve complained about, heavily complained, was something they changed for the sake of casual players.

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Who made the video? And what’s it called?

Made by Pink Floyd.

Song is Money.

Do you know it because I’m clueless and apparently 12 because I don’t know it?

“ahh roadhog flanks”

“ahh dva dm”

“ahh grav dragon strike”

“ahh hide and rez”

and possibly more changes were made to satiate low skill players.

none of these problems mentioned were a thing in GM or even T500.

But yet it still was nerfed anyways.

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