Overwatch developers hypocrisy

Which makes no sense.

  1. I don’t see why profanity is a issue to them when they give players the option to uncensor profanity in game.

  2. They’ve insulted us countless times so the fact that they’re this tolerant when people insult them is shocking and again, very hypocritical.

But whatever. This conversation isn’t getting us anywhere.

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No he didn’t. He said that it was under “bug-fixes” because it was an unintended interaction.

Like others have said, that interaction has existed in the game for years, but it wasn’t until Hanzo was catapulted to being meta that it was relevant.

im like 80% sure the forum mods tried to look up her account name/number to try and ban her from the forums.

i waited and argued from the perspective of hard counters for a gosh long while before I realized that stuff wasnt gonna happen.

They’re out here trying to make a hero shooter with like 25 or so characters
I can honestly see what they’re going for but they keep falling short and at some points not really make any sense with what they do.
its weird.

If anything, the best thing they should’ve done was make a smash clone for hots.

with a budget like that and animation, they would’ve made a very decent smash clone, pretty sure a whole lot of people would’ve put the time and effort into learning the meta with that game.

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I don’t make the rules.

We signed the TOS. I doubt Jeff did.

when did they insult us?

show me some of that stuff, fam.

This is from the other thread that was locked. Does this thread count as persisting down this path, or does that only count for the OP of the other thread?

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Regardless of it being taboo. This is something they have to own up to. That’s not fair to us because we like playing their game. We like evolution, but not much have evolved.

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They indirectly insulted us. Basically, they gave a response to all the feedback in the countless mega threads outside of the mega thread. Don’t know about you but i find that insulting af as they can’t even reply to the hundreds and thousands of replies in the mega thread but can reply to mini thread made by a common player…

yeah thats pretty dumb imo.

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Surprised so many people missed this…

:frowning: I’m offended. JK I don’t really care. At the end of the day, it’s a matter of opinion.

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well im not calling u dumb.

I was agreeing and calling what blizzard does in what you described to be dumb.

because there’s this obvious problem and doing anything else but addressing it would make them seem bad. thats a very obvious imo.

she’s noticed :slight_smile:


I think at one point someone on the team even said that the people on the forms have no clue when it comes to balancing so that’s why they don’t listen.


The way they addressed the problem is bad. Do they ever get anything right when it comes to communicating with the community?

i dont think so?

except maybe the WoW stuff.
most of the big wigs from early wow have been put on other stuff and are deemed like royalty in blizz land

SO when wow started downhill, small guys that dont really care about their image got put on it. So they’ve mostly been honest.
and even said “we screwed up and we dont like this class now because of it”
and because of it they never really fixed that class.

They hardly communicate with us and its pretty frustrating as they rarely ever clear up confusion and hardly give us answers and we are left wondering what they are doing and if they actually see or read our feedback.

It really digs away at the patience of us all.

Changing Mercy’s ult was the right call. Rez was toxic to the game. It got way more fun in it’s absence. How they actually HANDLED changing it is the problem. What we got as a replacement ruined everything.

It still exists? lmao

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Yep, and it’s still toxic to the game, too!

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I’d like to believe that but then i see clips of the first version of her rework, DPSing and killing entire teams…