Overwatch Dev Post Archives & Overwatch 2 Facts & Beta Info

New updates from a Gamespot Interview with Jeff Kaplan about Overwatch 2:

  • Absolutely confirming no new hero for Overwatch 1
  • Apparently the development of priority passes started even more role queue was released
  • Confirmed alpha and beta testing phases for Overwatch 2
  • Jeff Kaplan again reminds that one day (in the future) they may stop making heroes to keep the overall pool under control and briefly speculates about returning Map Pools or introducing Map Voting (note this is Jeff’s speculation, and not confirming such features at all).
  • There is going to be a new dog character (not a hero) “that people will fall in love with” which is related to one of the existing heroes (and it is not Orisa’s French Bulldog)
  • Regarding Assault (2CP) map type: “On the 2CP journey–and by the way, it wasn’t intentionally ambiguous in the BlizzCon movie. We can just confirm that we’re going to remove 2CP from competitive play in Overwatch 2. It’s sort of beyond a consideration at this point and something that we’ve committed to. So it’s safe to confirm that.”

Do we know if this includes cross-platform? If I play OW1 on Xbox and OW2 on PC will my cosmetics transfer?

There is no plans for Cross Progression for Overwatch at this time, but it is something the developers would like to bring to the game someday.


I know this is a late comment and I apologize - but we have to keep in mind that there is still a lot about OW2 that we don’t know. There’s no for-sure statement from them saying that OW2 will not have cross progression (iirc) and it very well could be the case that Blizzard has some plans for cross-progression, just haven’t announced them yet.

Nintendo does this all of the time. A year or two back, Shigeru Miyamoto (the creator of Mario and Zelda) said they had “no plans to release Skyward Sword on Nintendo Switch at this time.”

Fast forward two or so years, and who’d’a thunk it? Skyward Sword HD is coming out on Nintendo Switch in July.

My point is that “cooperate talk” tends to just lie about things that haven’t been announced yet. It could very well be a situation where they have plans but have yet to announce it. Not to say that we should get our hopes up, but it’s a very possible situation to say the least.

tokens not working since yesterday?

wrong thread.

I think this might be a problem, to always have 4 players for Story Missions, since the team composition might not always make sense from a story-wise perspective or worse, at a gameplay perspective for a Hero who may not be the best option for that mission or team (example: Tracer is soo TRASH in "Uprising"). There should be missions with varied number of team members, from solo missions to 2-3 Heroes/players as well!
Obviously Backfill is a MUST in Story Missions! It is the worst thing when a player leaves the mission, especially if the bastard is a Support. I detailed my complaint here: I cannot stand the quitters on PvE - #31 by QuakMcCree-1976

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Hey WyomingMyst,
I recommend adding this interview by Michael chu and Aaron Keller about the development and “lore” of Blizzard World. it is really very interesting, it would be a shame to forget it in oblivion. :wink:


Fire the Foxrot Charlie; that thought removing Mystery Heroes would “spice things up” Obviously your staff does not use, understands, or enjoy your product they are just there for the check $.

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can you guys please make so if I miss an event to be able to get an item in the game the event will happen again I would love for this to happen for every event for example Mario kart tour does it were they have events and if I miss the event I can still get all the items I need in the game just by getting lucky no matter what the event is something like that I just want the same thing to happen for overwatch if not this game then please make it happen for overwatch 2 when it comes out

Hey WyomingMyst, might wanna update this one soon :stuck_out_tongue:

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Its on my to-do list

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I sniped you with Widow 2 days ago in the new map in the waiting que.

The waiting times are unreal for non tank que sometimes.

Change that to a mid 2022

anything? or should we just wait for OWL…

Hey everyone,

I am pleased to announced that after a lot of work. I have every single developer response from the old official forums restored. This means you can go back all the way to the launch of the game and get past insights to Overwatch. Remember, not everything talked about back then may apply to how we enjoy the game today, but it should be a handy resource. It’s currently on my graphic design portfolio site for now (as I don’t want to spend the money on a dedicated domain).

All links for the applicable posts in the directory above should now be updated. Let me know if you come across a bad link at all.



thanks wyoming myst. really useful :slight_smile:

Hey, this page gives me error https://www.mystgraphics.com/overwatchforumarchive/other-razorkeyboard.html

Also a little request, is it gonna be possible to have a category that displays every post in chronological order?

I try to sort by category and then in chronological order from the newest to oldest.

I see where the problem is in the link… fixing it now. Correct URL is


Some other stuff i wanted to point out


  • (Competitive is not a progression based system - Jeff Kaplan - 7/5/2016)
    -leads to different topic https://mystgraphics.com/overwatchforumarchive/competitive-spectatecompetitivematches.html

Quick Play, Arcade, & Training Modes

  • (Possibility of Achievements for select arcade modes - Jeff Kaplan - 1/13/2017)
    -i believe your comment about hero and general achivements is incorrect since it got patched into the game in 2020 and jeff confirmed it Can a dev clarify QPC Achieves? - #2 by JeffreyKaplan

Non-Game Related Posts

  • (Jeff Kaplan explains why Pacific Standard Time is used for timed annoucements in the game’s media - Jeff Kaplan - 11/30/2016)
    -broken link https://www.mystgraphics.com/overwatchforumarchive/other-announcementtimezone.html