Overwatch Contenders / League 2023 Schedule - (Ended)

10 tokens and spray here, too. So maybe first 50 mins of broadcasts crashed too much.

Refresh your stream, ensure you have the diamond icon set to “Connected” and start counting from now, I guess. There’s also some troubleshooting steps at the top of last year’s thread.

Perhaps double-check that your Battle.net account that’s linked to your YouTube account is the one you’re checking with. There have been cases where someone accidentally linked their alt Battle.net account to their YouTube.

I got 5 tokens, which is correct for me since I started late because of course something would come up, causing me to leave before the stream started.

I “Refreshed” it an hour ago when I switched from my phone to my laptop. I can confirm the spray but no tokens.

I have had so many more issues with youtube drops then twitch drops. Contenders is on twitch, so don’t know why OWL isn’t. Even COD is on twitch.

The fact that my time might not count is ridiculous. I’ll still watch but I’m annoyed if I’m not getting rewarded for my time.

That’s a bit strange. Maybe next time you check, see if you got the same error I received earlier: “The servers are currently busy and your balance will be updated at a later time.” in the text chat.

Considering they are able to validate your viewership enough to earn the items, I’m a bit surprised there would be an issue with just the tokens. Is the account US-based? I think there are some countries where they limit what can be earned. My only other guess would be that there was some odd delay, as they also have that caveat of tokens can take up to 24 or 48 hours to appear in-game.

Did you note down your balance before the start of the broadcast and is it still the same?

The Token banner notification might not be popping up but your balance may have gone up.

You can always check your virtual wallet in the battle.net transaction history which tracks all your OW2 currency.

Got my second token popup in the menu and got my spray, so so far, so good.

4th token drop and I now have the East to West name card.

It’s smaller than the other cards and it looks like the bottom was cut off.

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Confirming here, as well. 4 token drops (20) + spray and name card all awarded.

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Good call out, I originally left out the YouTube troubleshooting when I thought everything was going back to Twitch. I’ve added the YouTube troubleshooting to this year’s thread OP in the OWL section.

EDIT:I was curious if it was possible to still use the embedded player on overwatchleague.com to get rewards, just noticed they stripped it out completely and now they just link to the OWL channel on youtube.com.

RIP red dot / green dot


Received tokens, namecard and spray.

I got the tokens through 4 hours, name card, and spray. But I haven’t gotten the tokens for the 5th hour yet which was 25 mins ago cleared…

I’ve only gotten 20 tokens (4 hours)… tokens seem to have stopped after the 4 hours. I should’ve gotten another 5 from the 6:30 - 7:30 PM EST time… I just checked my game twice and it’s not increasing.

**Edit last hour’s just came in… so I am getting the previous hour about 25-30 mins before the next hour would finish.

That lines up with most of us, as there was a loss of about 30-45 mins with YouTube running into crashes and memory errors during the first hour of broadcast. First sign of 4th token drop was 4:34 into the eligible broadcast time.

That doesn’t happen on mobile. When matches start on weekdays I’m on the first 2.5 hours only on phone due to being at work and I have gotten 35 so far. I should get 40 tonight and up through the Genji skin.

Drops started at 2:30 PM EST and I’ve gotten through the 7:30 PM EST drop… the 8:30 PM drop is just ending but it should come by 9 PM EST. Which also means the Genji set should come.

Well, the crashes are just a theory to why viewership rewards were not working. I was quite quick to refresh as I was actively watching, so my downtime technically wouldn’t be 30-45 mins.

I’d bet that whatever issues they were having with the crashes/errors was also impacting how they tallied viewership time, regardless of platform or whether it said “Connected” or not, so there’s just a lost 30 mins for everyone.

Well, I’ve been watching since 3:00 AM (UTC+8) to 4:00 AM and from 4:30 AM to around 7 AM and only received 5 tokens, no spray and no card.

I find this funny. I can only ever eonder how many discord spies will be logged in waiting for a code thusly passing it on to their discord for cash or credit.

Because Blizz wants to be greedy with their skins the players will find shady ways to earning wahts owed.

What? You know this stuff is earned via a linked account, right? There are no codes to pass around.

So, in total, got 25 tokens, that’s 5 hours, plus the spray and the card.

Stream in total had 6 hours and 30 minutes, sooo, technically, we might see someone with 30 tokens, IF they didn’t have any issues…

…I had issues, at least 30-45 minutes of time I didn’t watch.

EDIT: Tomorrow gonna see if I get the 2 skins, hopefully it will work <3

Meh. Still not impressed eith these coporate giveaways that are essentially billboard skins for players to flaunt but inadverdently advertise the game and esports scene. Sure as hell didn’t earn such a cool skin. Shows no skill whatsoever.

But thats just my opinion.

Fyi…hackers exists and so do account salespeople. This just makes the dark web even richer.

Refreshed, and I’m still at 5 tokens. Sigh. Btw, where do the token notifications appear? I haven’t received any notifs