This is clearly flawed logic. If you give an unearned win to 6 players, you give an unearned loss to 6 others. Having a system that wasn’t trying as hard as it could to create fair matches would not create a benefit for anyone. Every person you made happy would be countered by someone you made angry.
“Zero-sum games are a specific example of constant sum games where the sum of each outcome is always zero. Such games are distributive, not integrative; the pie cannot be enlarged by good negotiation.” - Wikipedia
Season 15 - ended at 889 SR Open Queue
Season 16 - climbed to end at 1340
Season 17 - Worked my butt off and got to 2113 peak.
The system works. I got better, my SR rose. I played less, my SR stopped rising.
In the last couple seasons I’ve been working on getting my Tank and Support SR up into Gold as well. On Open Queue I was focusing on Mei, I one-tricked to climb to gold, and even though it’s dipped slightly into silver, it’s still above 1900 consistently even though I don’t usually want to wait for the longer queues for DPS.
The system is not rigged. The system is not perfect. The system is just putting forth a best effort attempt at creating fair matches for everyone as fast as it can.
I think groups are making the job of the matchmaker harder, and invite abuse by individuals, so I advocate for changing Role Queue to also be Solo Queue only: Competitive Suggestion - Solo Queue