Overwatch: Blindwatch edition

So I just had a game where one of my teammates called me “a trash DPS Moira” when I was not even playing Moira and neither was our 2nd support. The enemy team did have a Moira tho. :smiley:

So, do any of you have any silly/funny Blindwatch moments that either came from your own teammates or the enemy? Or some funny moments that occurred due to someone being completely unaware of what was happening around them :smiley:


This has happened several times. Whenever I’m extremely low on health, I sometimes stand still and ask for heals, and sometimes the supports literally just run around doing nothing.

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My biggest Blindwatch moment was in QP when I was playing drunk and one of our DPS asked for heals and I saw them for a fraction of a second then spent the next 10 secs turning around, trying to find them while they were standing still next to me the whole time :smiley: