Overwatch anime got a fan-made OPENING/TRAILER and itโ€™s absolutely AMAZINGGG

it brought tears to my eyes seeing all these moments get summarized so beautifully. You have to see it if you like anime openings. ENOUGH RAMBLING FROM ME



Let me know what you think please :>


Gosh the transition with the reaper scene in the smoke, the Genji/Hanzo scene when they were teenagers as Genji looks up to hanzo, tracer in the beginning with of course Winston who cured her from her disability, the widow compassion scene when she was visiting her late husband even though she was supposed to NOT have any emotions anymore after talon brainwashed herโ€ฆ This op made me so happy and I hope it did the same to you

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Is my link not working?

No. It gives a hotlink, but not the inbed. Are you posting from mobile? Lots of people are currently having the problem on the forum.

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Yes I am, THANKS DUDE! This is the video people, ENJOY!

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Itโ€™s awesome, so well done.

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I KNOW RIGHTTT? Whatโ€™s your favorite scene :smiley:

The young genji with hanzo was so touching.
Also moira Kamekameha into zarya bubble goku freeza vibes.


Yes yes yes gosh I hope we see this stuff in ow2 or in the rumored Netflix show xd
The aggressive Kamehameha was way too dank for me xD was hilarious nonetheless

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