"Overwatch 2: Sojourn" Novel

I just finished reading this, haven’t seen any discussion of it.

It’s cool to finally have some more in-depth lore about the Omnic Crisis, Onnica Corp, omniums and some characters like Liao, Sojourn, Torbjorn and Soldier 76.

Has anyone else read this?

Oh, yes. Every game. Every dang game we’re reading this novel where Sojourn is the main character.


Does it even reveal anything interesting about the character that hasn’t been known before?

She has a railgun.

And uh… that’s it.

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Just say you haven’t read it instead of spamming negativity everywhere. Or, you know, read the book.

I didn’t even see the announcement.

Cheeky much? Just asking a simple question since you have read it.

Also give it to me and I will read it.

Go to see in the story section of the forum :wink:

gives she more personality instead a “it’s a black woman with a railgun”. major inner conflicts about her cybernetics.

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That’s a good comment. Well played.

Is the novel long or is it just a short comic?

Iits a novel. It took me a couple of hours to read it.

Having said that, as far as novels go it’s pretty short.

that’s almost half of Ashe’s novel. very short unfortunately (177 pages). And in my opinion it’s a bit of a scam to get paid the kindle version almost exactly as the paper version.

here for spoilers.

Awfully high price tag considering the length and caliber of writing they’ve put out in the past.

Was it any better written that usual or same old same old? Does it at least include art?

I haven’t read any of the other Overwatch novels. The writing is about what I’d expect for a YA videogame novel. Not NYT best-seller material, not terrible.

I’m not sure why people are complaining about the price. The price is about average for a book. Or do gamers just complain about having to pay for anything?

nah i do read better books…

How much is it, like 5 bucks?

Where are you getting new-release books for 5 bucks?

Seriously, I’d like to know. You’ll be saving me money.


Lol, in Amazon “The Hero of Numbani (An Overwatch Original Novel)” costs 6.99 so close enough

Maybe it’s because it’s an older novel

Average price, arguably. Though, the kindle edition is on the more expensive end. But it’s not average quality for what you’re getting for that money. A comparable best seller is usually going to be twice that length and have genuinely high quality writing.

I can’t speak for everyone, but no, I’m quite happy to spend money on media. I just expect to actually get my money’s worth and not be nickle and dimed to death for subpar work the way Blizzard keeps doing of late.

In all honesty, I’m not liking this trend of giving characters important character moments in outside source material.

Removing the novel, Sojourn has next to no narrative significance in-game: her struggling with coming to terms with her cybernetics would’ve made for a great bio or voiceline interactions.

I’m still miffed that they got rid of every hero’s bio.