Brace for impact! Overwatch has initiated our Season Four landing sequence.
Does it release with archieves though
Sure would be nice if ranged oneshots from DPS were turned into damage-over-time effects.
Especially considering the Petal Platforms are going to “Break Map Geometry”, and offer a wide range sniper sightlines that didn’t exist before.
And it looks like both Rein and Sigma are getting hit with nerfs. So even hiding behind a barrier is less of an option.
And some hefty nerfs to Cassidy/Ashe.
For the life of me, I can’t understand why these sound like Fun counterplay options:
- Hide behind a wall/barrier 90% of the game.
- Ignore the main objective, and kamikaze dive the sniper constantly throughout the entire match, and pray they don’t get peels.
- Especially when Sombra and Ball have the highest skill floors in the game.
And yeah, you could counterplay Snipers, with more Snipers. But that’s just perpetuating “Anti-Fun” gameplay.
Is that really the “Type of Game” you want Overwatch to be, where people have to choose between Winning and having Fun?
Any updates on PvE or the promised Hero Progression System?
Please, it's all I'm interested in anymoreThis is great news thank you for updating…
Any chance we can maybe get some information regarding macOS support?
Or mouse and keyboard support for console?
Or cloud gaming support for services like GFN?
The more players we can get Overwatch into the hands of the better!
Starwatch: Galactic Rescue is 4v4 game mode that takes place on a reworked Horizon Lunar Colony where Watchers will attack against the defending Infinite Empire. Assemble your team from select heroes to represent the Watchers and Infinite Empire and battle your way through new objectives (and surprises!)
You may notice some of our heroes’ loyalties through the space opera Premium Battle Pass Cosmetics. Will you play as Space Prince Lucio or Extraterrestrial Winston from the Watchers? Or will your sympathies lie with Infinite Ace D.Va or Seer Mercy from the Infinite Empire?
Regardless of your allegiance, you can complete your Starwatch challenges to earn free event rewards starting May 9 through May 22!
Another Battle for Olympus “paid skin advertising” event all over again.
Zeus Junker Queen and our other powerful deities are back, as Battle for Olympus makes its return for Overwatch 2 from May 23 through May 29.
The aforementioned event actually returned lmao.
we need archives, even if nothing changes in the event we still love it to pieces PLEASE
Any further reward system fixes?
weekly 60 coins and limiting us to 2000 credits per season are still insulting, we should be able to earn more through simply playing the game. The fact I get more coins from using Bing for 20 minutes a day than playing 8 hours of Overwatch should be something you should be ashamed of.
Not every reward has to be tied to the battlepass or challenges, where are the basic finishing match rewards?
Uh oh, Sigma nerf
It was only a matter of time
Good to see Mercy getting reverted though, even if the changes were interesting on the healing side. I just don’t think it actually worked out.
Not only is Symmetra mispelled as “Symettra” the date of the Symmetra Challenge is different in the post as opposed to what is said in the trailer. The trailer states the Challenge starts on the 23rd May, the text says May 30th. Classic treatment of Symmetra.
Even just being able to play it with new heroes is enough hype on its own
I just hope, for once in her life, they leave her alone
Seriously stop touching her
We need PVE.
Please let the Pride event at least have some PVE.
I will wear rainbow face paint IRL and blow kisses to every willing recipient at Blizzard. Just please god give us some PVE.
well yeah, im not saying im not still EXCITED and HAPPY that season fours a thing (i especially like lifeweaver)
but archives is one of, if not my favorite event from overwatch 1, its teamwork, your not fighting anyone but the computer and you get to go on rampages through grunts
Ayyyyyy mercy revert!
I don’t mind if they want to change her like they did, I just want the changes to actually be good and make sense
Like, they wanted to encourage less pocketing and more triage which is neat, but they did it by buffing healing and nerfing movement which is like huh? That just encouraged more pocketing and less triage
They teased those in the beginning of S3, what happened to it Blizz?
If not that change or reduce all the unreasonable challenges by a lot to make them less torture. Remove the win challenges and tone down the assist ones.
they said it will come LATER this year, which could we have to wait till next Christmas.
Don’t care, where are the Archives?
Where. Are. My. Sidewalk. Piglet. Changes?