Overwatch 2 r/Games Reddit AMA - All Responses Here

1 hr. ago
What are your plans regarding maps that will go unused once OW2 launches publicly, such as Temple of Anubis and Hanamura? Will they be repurposed/extended into other existing game modes? In a similar beat, are there plans to reintegrate and rework maps like Paris or Horizon Lunar Colony to fit the molds of other game modes as well?

4 min. ago
OW2 Systems Designer
These maps will still be available to play in custom games, but they won’t be used in other modes at launch.

I have some ideas I’d love to try when it comes to repurposing them for new potential game modes, but these ideas could only see the light of day in the distant future given our current plans. If we did find a way to give them a new mode we’d want to do extensive testing in the Arcade or in other formats where we can get community feedback. We know how divisive Assault (2CP) was for much of our player base and we agree that it had issues, so we wouldn’t bring these maps back without a lot of testing.


15 min. ago
What’s Winston’s favorite joke about the periodic table?

3 min. ago
OW2 Lead Narrative Designer
We don’t know yet, but we know one thing: it’s probably not boron. That’s funny because it’s a pun on “boring”.


YAY NO MMR RESET WE WON :partying_face:

also where is Josh Noh I need him to answer my balance question grr

1 Like

1 hr. ago
A while ago you announced some “meaty changes” for Symmetra. What are the goals of her mini rework and what can we expect?

1 min. ago
OW2 Sr. Hero Designer
I wouldn’t necessarily call it a rework since it’s more tuning than changing the mechanics but the general goal of the changes is to help improve her mobility and enable her to better react to the faster pace of 5v5. Can’t go into all the details but there are things like a shorter teleporter build time and faster secondary fire projectile speed.


at this points its not a new game if u dont ‘‘renew’’ the ranking


dam was hoping this one would be answered heh. well just have to wait i guess

46 min. ago
Do you mind elaborating about cross platform progression? Will we all be reset to level 1 when OW2 comes out? I’m gold border on PS4 and I’m still not even level 100 when I had to switch over to Xbox.

If I have a bunch of skins on PS4 and it transfers over for OW2, will I be able to get my skins on Xbox? Or is it console locked?

just now
OW2 Developer
Howdy, u/timberflynn :smiley: We will be removing levels for Overwatch 2, and you will bring your Overwatch skins with you into OW2 from all platforms with cross progression.


1 hr. ago
This is a bit of a more specific question, but I’ll ask anyways -

What was it like filling in as the new game director for an established game like Overwatch and working on the sequel?

1 min. ago
OW2 Game Director
Hi Naymliss! Specificity is ok with me! :blush:

I’ve been a part of this team since 2008, going back to the days of Project Titan. I have a deep connection to this game and even deeper one with the team. I have a lot of feelings about being game director because of this history. I feel so incredibly grateful and honored that the team would put their faith in me to help them usher the game forward. There’s an honor and a responsibility here, I don’t take it lightly… and I do lose a little bit of sleep now and then because of it… It’s not always easy to know what the best way forward is in every situation, but I always look to be doing what’s best for the game, its community, and to the team as the highest values for how to make decisions. This value is what’s behind the release of PvP this year. It’s important to get new content out for the game. It was a massive shift for the team to completely change the way we were working on and releasing the game but we think that it’s all worth it because that’s what’s best for the game and our players.


I don’t get them saying credits will come into OW2 when they are making an entirely new paid currency for the game. Will our credits come into the game at a reduced rate as premium currency?

I have 160,000 gold in OW1, will that get turned into say 10,000 premium currency?

59 min. ago
When approaching map design, what is the general philosophy behind Push maps vs Escort?

Most notably it seems like the biggest difference when play testing in the beta was that Push maps were intentionally designed to be more chaotic due to a high amount of flank routes available and I’d like you to expand on that and offer your thoughts

3 min. ago
Overwatch Developer
The biggest and most obvious difference between Push and Escort is that the path that TS-1 can traverse is much longer to allow for multiple team fights to occur before a team could win the map. At the same time, it’s very important that run times from spawn locations don’t become too long. So that led us during map design to explore paths for TS-1 that looped around such as in Colosseo, or snaked back and forth such as New Queen street. During early playtests, we quickly realized this also meant there were a lot more flanking opportunities and cool places for team fights to occur. We all thought that was really cool, and created a very different feel for Push than our previous escort maps.


level 1
1 hr. ago
I noticed that the Overwatch 2 website is gone. Are you going to update it in the upcoming months?
Also, I can’t help but noticed that a lot of people are confused about the lore, when some events took place… do you have any plans to make it easier for people who are not invested in the lore to know the basis before the PVE starts? A proper timeline maybe? Updated biographies?

4 min. ago
OW2 Lead Narrative Designer
We’re not ready to talk about our PvE plans just yet, but it’s really important for us to make sure that people understand the lore and stakes going in. We’re working on new bios, and have other extremely cool plans that will surprise even long-term fans of the lore. More on that soon!


anyone mention 120 fps support for the PS5 during the beta?

1 Like

Well… if you think about it like this… There should be twice as many DPS heroes as there are tanks. Same with support.

So if we have 11 tanks (with the one coming in December), that means the game needs 22 DPS and 22 Support. This is obviously a bit ridiculous I know, but in theory we need 5 more DPS and 12 more supports.

If we tweak Hog and move him to DPS, this is made a lot easier too.

1 hr. ago
Do you have any future plans for the MEKA Squad? I’ve been a fan of D.mon for the longest time

4 min. ago
OW2 Sr. Hero Designer
No official plans at the moment but I’d love to have more of the MEKA Squad in the game. I’m also a big fan of them!


As expected, almost half way through the AMA and they are completely ignoring tons of questions we have been asking on the forums so that they can talk about lore and soft design.


They will most likely have several currencies. One premium that you buy with money and one that you can earn in game. This “free” currency will most likely for buying smaller cosmetics or maybe epic and below skins.

14 min. ago
in the OW2 reveal trailer, hanamura was shown as a payload map on the career screen, but you’re saying they won’t do that?

just now
OW2 Systems Designer
That’s correct, that screen was just a prototype. We do not have a payload version of Hanamura.

I’m not a map designer, but I often join their playtests and talk to them about their thought process with regards to game modes and spatial design. Converting these maps to payload would be a huge effort and it’s not one we’ve undertaken.

The mode I’d like to prototype for an Assault replacement would need some of the tech we’re developing for the PvE side of OW2, but again that’s currently just a sparkle in my eye.


1 hr. ago
Will Beta 2 include the new hero redesigns?

and when can we expect to see all the new looks revealed on the playoverwatch website?

3 min. ago
OW2 Developer
Yes! The upcoming Overwatch 2 Beta will include all new looks. More information on its way this upcoming week.


2 hr. ago
I want to buy the Watchpoint Pack, but I don’t understand what its value is. Can you go into more detail about how much it will cost to buy a Battle Pass, 2000 Virtual Currency, or Legendary Skins once Overwatch 2 releases, so I can better evaluate if this package is worth purchasing?

just now
Overwatch Commercial Lead
Hi! There are several different elements within the Watchpoint Pack. Our main goals for the pack were to offer players a great value on Overwatch 2 content and also to keep offering the Legendary Edition of Overwatch 1 to players who want to jump in before we shift to free to play with the OW2 launch in October. For those players who already own the Legendary Edition of Overwatch 1, the value here is the 2 awesome exclusive legendary skins, the Season 1 Premium Battle Pass, and 2000 virtual currency, which players could use to buy the Premium Battle Pass for each of the next two seasons if they wanted (a premium BP for those seasons will be 1000 VC to purchase each). It’s also a way to get immediate access when our Beta begins on June 28.


Phew, that’s a relief. They were gonna get clowned on for that otherwise.