Overwatch 2 Launches October 4 as a Free-to-Play Live Experience

Overwatch 2 F2P means

  1. More toxic players
  2. SEASON PASS EVERY 2 months for 15-20 bucks

God… no thanks


Yeah, I have the same concerns. I have great fun with overwatch and don’t want that ruined with pay walls and time gates like the other F2P game they announced earlier this year…


6 months to long that right

Is cross-progression going to be added. I would love to use my xbox skins on pc.

I am crying :smiling_face_with_tear: this is all so exciting, I loved even the minor changes from the earlier Beta. I can’t wait to see everything you have been working on and play Overwatch 2 - thank you!! :scream: :sob: :heart_eyes_cat:

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Oh they will go into deep detail on how much they are going to nickel and dime players for everything, hey will add a battle pass that if you dont buy it your progression will be slower then pluto obriting the sun


Just looked like the blue support fox from Paladins to me. :thinking: Looked rather random.

I’m assuming the business model changed during development, and that’s why anyone who owns Overwatch 1 gets the founders pack free of charge now.

It would make sense, given that the business model also changed during OW1 development. Originally, new characters were going to be paid DLC, before the FPS community put Blizz on blast for it. They likely saw the success of other FPS games that were F2P (like TF2 hitting a record number in playercount despite the bot problem and having no updates for 3 years) and decided to shift to it.


will the events continue, or do you think it will be all pvp and with skins every few months and that’s it?

They could make it so to participate in competitive, you need to have a verified phone number attached to your account. That will eliminate most of the people making alts to smurf/troll.

Okay so I just level a new account up to 25, and my MMR is reset? Well, I lose all my skins, but at least I don’t have to play with the MMR they have me stuck on lol

Huge W for the Overwatch team and community

Ya it’ll be that after you play awhile anyway. The only reason to do that if you have been getting better by playing not comp and you want to skip the comp grind.

Ha, they can’t even deal with cheaters as it is

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and hackers/smurfs making as many accts as they want w/o worry.

When a pay to play game goes F2P it rarely thrives in quality.

I fee” for team 4. It’s been clear that the pvp alpha wasn’t far along before OWL started on it. And now they have a deadline being set my marketing.

My guess, overworked, tired devs that people will come to the forums to crap all over…

The beginning of the end,
RIP Overwatch 2016 - 2022

I dont see how this can actually help the game in the sense of content but in reality was the correct choice for them to do as a company since the multiplayer was free since they announced OW2 for the first time back in Blizzcon 2019.

I dont expect to see a lot of content out of it and I’m actually curious if they just gonna focus on selling skins instead of improving the game as a whole, i guess time will tell.

I really love this game been playing every single day since beta, but since the first OW2 announcement everything is been downhill dissapointment, OW2 beta didnt felt like OW at all and felt like a fast pace deathmatch.

If only they would actually implemented the changes needed on OW1 the game would have been better, maybe eventually do the engine update and fix the client to server lag/response etc.

There was never any need to do the mess they been trying to pull off with Overwatch 2, between the company making changes for the sake of Overwatch League with the 5v5, simplifying the game and the more fast pace matches, to holding out all the pvp content, changes and fixes just to release them with the game sequel to make feel that the game merits a sequel, to making a single player story game that just looks and feel like a tower defense game and now is stuck in development hell because of this and who knows what else.

They realize late that they been hurting the game and franchise as a whole by holding out the pvp for no reason other than to justify the sequel? since the pvp has not impact on the single player game as a whole.

I dont think the free to play is gonna hurt the game as much they had hurted already by neglecting it, time will tell where all this go.


I never got the appeal of battle passes. It’s basically saying that you pay x amount of dollars for the ability to grind for the stuff you technically paid for. It’s also never something reasonable like maybe four hours a week to max it out by the end. You really have to commit to getting the full amount you paid for.


Isn’t that the game where it cost like 100k to max out a character, with several the highest tier buffs not being earn able in game? Not exactly a stellar comparison imo.

So glad it’s free! I love free to play games.