Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

Yes I agree with you lol, although I was getting ready to play today, some times things just happen (obv). Also I think this was sorta expected tbh since it is the first day.

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This issue has been going on for hours, I started queuing at 6:30am AEDT and now Iā€™m still queuing at 11:16am AEDT. This is not even funny they have had hours to at least diagnose the issue but there has been no communication at all about any of the issue or the progress of these issues. All servers now a days should have DDoS protection and for it to be out this long is horrible. Their cybersecurity team need to be retrained or they need to let them go and find a new set of cybersecurity people who are better then these rookies.


this is ridiculous. Theyā€™re prioritizing problems that arenā€™t even necessarily an issue for people already in the game while majority of their playerbase is struggling to get into the game

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Must be an update in their servers. The queue on PC has been ticking through the thousands downward.
Iā€™m guessing they round to the hundred, thousand, ten thousand, etcā€¦
Since everyone has been saying 30000 and 40000, to see a number of lower numbers might indicate that there is momentum on entry.

Thank you guys for your hard work! :pray:
I just hope you can fix my friends account :pensive:.

Sorry that I had to reach out in his stand, but like I said before, his account isnā€™t working properly :confused:. My account is fine as far as I knowā€¦

when i hit account merge, it does nothing. i canā€™t merge my old OW1 profile, and my career profile looks like iā€™m starting brand new. i have exited and came back in, that doesnā€™t work and takes forever

I have 5 friends currently playing, and another friend who managed like 2 hours of playtime at launch. All just random nobodies with zero clout. Some people are luckier than others. Could Blizzard have estimated more people would be interested, sure, but please donā€™t act like this is the first major game from a AAA studio to have severe launch day issues.

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Why hasnā€™t the issue of people not getting their Watch Point Packs that they already paid for before launch listed? I donā€™t have mine, and the Battle Pass is still locked. A lot of people are tagging Overwatch and Blizzard twitter accounts with the same problem, so I hope you guys are awareā€¦ Please fix! I would love to play, but Iā€™m scared to start playing without my BP activated.

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You do realize this part of the game is free right???

dude you are the kind that actualy destroys launch days oh i have to wait an hour lets server hop to another region with the idc about others mentality

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Have fun when your game crashes mid placement match. Or, one of your teammates game crashes lol.

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Iā€™m in boys, the impossible has been achieved. I wish you all luck in getting in, hopefully things get fixed too.


hmm what were you saying?

its literally a ddos attack ya , you understand the meaning of this?

Still 0 people ahead of me bugged, its been 5 hours, if its a DDoS attack, take it the hell down and fix it instead of trying to mitigate it while live.

Itā€™s easy to become stressed over something you care about or have spent so much time on, a launch is a huge thing and is known to many games that have had the same issues. This is not new, and I know thatā€™s a whole lot different to understand, best thing we can do is have patience after accepting the fact of having to wait, I hope you have a lovely night and try to relax to get your mind off it :slight_smile:

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How bout we fix the ability to play the game at all/longer than 4 minute intervals?


Yep, bad security and servers

Yes, I also bought the watchpoint pack AND the starter pack and when it let me in briefly for like 5 minutes, it said I didnā€™t have the battle pass or any credits.

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Yeah, I fail to see how this was a priority??

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