Overwatch 2: Invasion is here with new adventures, a new hero, and new ways to play!

Hello, I am a Cassidy main and I’ve been wondering if the skin in the ultimate invasion bundle will be in the shop or hero gallery but just the Cassidy skin. I have missed the watch point pack sadly but I still really want the skin, just way too much money than it should be.

It’s Overwatch 2’s biggest joke yet. Probably won’t be around for the next one.

You guys know how to make a really cool PVE mode. I loved the missions.

When OverWatch 2 was announced, there was a $30 or so pack that we could buy. This was supposed to be kind of a supporter thing so that we could eventually access the new OverWatch 2 content which would eventually include PvE stuff.

Two questions

If you bought the pack when OverWatch 2 came out, do you get access to these new levels?

Did they implement the new ability system for characters yet?

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I really enjoyed all three + the free campaigns. But for $15 I would expect a little bit more. Will definitely replay them on higher difficulties and different heroes. And on SteamDeck too!

There are just 3 missions in stroy now so I wanna ask. Are there coming more missions in future or not?

Can we get the competitive reward bugs fixed please? We put a lot of time and effort into the game. I’m missing my open queue title reward for top 500. A lot of people are missing reward titles and reward competitive points. It isn’t mentioned in “known bugs” or “known issues”. Can we at least hear back that you’re aware of the bug and are doing what you can to fix it so that we actually get our rightful rewards? Thank you.

fix your god damn game you incompetent developers. if you want our money ,let us play the game and don’t give us penalty because i can’t join the game thanks to the the all known “applying patch” bug, who is wrecking your game since the last 3 months. I paid for BP and for the Invasion missions (allthough i heard they are “shyte”) and i can’t even play them. trying to log in the game 24 hours after release and all i am seeing is that bug.

Am I allowed to say this opinion here, as a paying sucker…oh sorry, i mean customer ?

oh well…now that you got my money …time to get back to Baldurs Gate 3 , I guess.
at least that is a real game made from real game developers.

I wish XBOX will kick some of your butts out.


Uh about that there is missing something There no skills trees and talent skills missing as will

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A lot of people are also missing competitive rewards still. Still no update if they’re even aware.

mouse and keyboard on console??? that’s legit cheating. if you have mouse and keyboard, play on pc. Console is for controllers.

…and new ways to PAY

There, I fixed it for you.


Why can’t pve be sold separately from the battlepass :rage:

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Blizzard have spoilt the game this this latest version - used to play daily but not anymore

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More like Overwatch 2’s biggest disappointment.

The story is honestly nonsensical. Nothing has weight or gravity to it. Things happen to the characters, yet there is zero character development - they’re literally cardboard cutouts of the personalities we’ve already known. This speaks nothing to how characters are completely unaffected by whatever is happening to them, like Sojourn losing her entire city (the whole damn place) and her biggest takeaway from it all is “need more sleep.”

And after the mission? Nothing matters. Everything goes back to the way it was. Things were happening. Now they aren’t. GOTY???

I find myself completely uninvested in whatever is going on in Overwatch. Like, I have no real reason to care about the characters or their world, because the writers don’t care enough to develop it. I haven’t once wondered while playing, “Wow, I can’t believe that happened. I wonder what happens next?”

My interest in this paper-thin story is now zero. And I honestly went in hoping that I’d love the story as much as it was hyped up to be. But my hopes were (again) executed in cold blood, for the last time in this abusive honeymoon relationship.

I’ve seen a more dynamic political conflict watching paint dry.

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Why is there no option to just unlock the playable content without any of the other stuff? And the prices are just absurd. How the hell can you even justify this pay-only content? There will not be a playerbase large enough for most people who aren’t in a 4 stack in just a few days probably…


After everything that has happened to this game, be it Brig, Goat, Ow2… everything, Flashpoint and Illari might actually make me quit the game. I know I know everybody is quitting the game everyday.
I haven’t payed for a single battlepass or skin despite being a degenerate gacha addict and having no problem with shelling out for pixelated pretties every now and then when I like them and the game they are in. Nothing in Ow2 was ever pretty enough tho skinwise, especially combined with monetisation and general Ow2 choices.
For years I hated that King of the Hill goes to three rounds in casual modes like quickplay or mystery heroes, and now you’re telling me flashpoint could go to, what? Five? I’m so glad the other new gamemode is a walking sim. Honestly I’d take 2CP back.
Mind you the new maps seem to look beautiful, but there just seems to be like nothing happening around them? And during a round you can hardly look around. Then again, in my opinion, the genuine artist at blizzard are the only ones ever doing their job, despite my opinion on the skins. The actual new hero designs were pretty awesome. I guess they did their job on the default well enough for me to not want buy anything.
Senn- uhm I mean Illari being unbalanced af at the start being intentional because the last heroes were underwheling is a really great balancing policy I have to say, but then again what really is balanced at this point.

I think the story missions are fun. Liberation was the most enjoyable to me. In general there are some critiques that I’m hoping affect how future ones are made:

  1. Please make a mode where you can play the missions as any character. Like how the Archives missions were done where you could play story mode with the limited characters, or you could play it in open mode as any character and character-combination you wanted. This made them have waaaay more replayability especially if the chosen characters for the mission aren’t ones that a player jives with.

  2. There are too many spots where the players have to sit around and wait for an NPC or lines of dialogue to be run through without getting to do anything. It’s okay to have things in there, but then make up for it with random things to fight at the same time, or have the lines of dialogue during the fighting so there’s less sitting around. It wasn’t really a problem on the first couple play throughs, but things that get more and more frustrating when you want to replay the missions.

  3. More variability when enemies show up and what types of enemies show up. It gets boring when you know exactly when and where the bosses or groups of enemies will appear.

  4. Most of the missions could have been longer (Liberation was pretty good in length), but Rio specifically felt way too short.

Don’s understand why Invasion requires additional payment to play. Story mode? Its fun but too short to command that price.

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This new season finally killed the game that was on it’s death throes for few years already. Flashpoint game mode, which no-one asked btw, is the worst PvP-experience I have ever had in online multiplayer gaming. Matchmaking has been horrible for quite some time now, balanced matches seem to not exist and even that has gone from bad to worse. New ”support” hero is just another dps with over the top healing potential. I mean why would anyone play the real support heroes anymore after that? Don’t even get me started on her ultimate, which of course has nothing to do with supporting other heroes. PvE missions are finally here, but is it really worth paying money to massacre endless waves of mindlessly droning bots on basically the same maps that already have been around for years? I don’t think so. This all comes to conclusion that I highly regret but on the other hand have been avoiding for too long. I used to love the games Blizzard make, but that was way before the Activision era. Now Blizzard and it’s games are another example of unfinished products full of microtransactions, warnings of insatiable greed all-over with zero interest in actual quality of gameplay or content. Therefore, after 8 years and over 3000h of playing Overwatch, the game that used to be the one (hope my wife isn’t reading this), it is now uninstalled and deleted. From now on I will be playing games without microtransactions and with quality content, from game developers who have first and foremost interest in overall quality of the product, NOT profit or quantity. I courage others to do the same, think with your brains, use your eyes and follow your gut feeling. Most of these new games won’t fall in previous terms but there still are some really good options, you just have to scrape through the crap for a while to find them.