No balance changes before S2? This can’t be serious…
Map pools for Quickplay is one of the worst decisions in the history of this game.
This is not something players want, and it’s something many players actively don’t want. Blizzard should be ashamed for even suggesting this artificial attempt to make old content “feel” new.
We get it, you guys are bad at your jobs and can’t make content for a live service game at an acceptable rate. That’s your problem, don’t make it our problem by removing old content just so you can repackage it and pretend it’s a big, exciting update after a couple months.
Ohh that makes sense then. Thank you.
So basically no immediate knee jerk changes after one week of gameplay. I dig it. They also mention heros they’re looking at for adjustment next season. I think that’s fair. Not sure how I feel about map pools though.
Sorry but if some heroes outperform others and have a 100% playtime in every single game maybe you should reconsider what your “goals” are
Can we get an explanation on why you’re balancing the game around all ranks data instead of high ranks despite this being a so called competitive game?
Or is that asking too much?
Fix your cruddy game that you guys are celebrating even though it has the most horrid launch release and so on with broken maintenance and patches.
Nah, that award should be handed to putting Heroes in the Battle Pass… smh…
these future plans are great and all but like the servers no work so like doesn’t matter rn
Your game is broken now, may be you start doing something, nerds?
Absolute joke OW team, absolute joke!!! , enjoy yours eternity queues up and bottlenek!.
0 neurons on ow team.
Not even low ranks are satisfied with their current balance because Orisa’s are stomping everyone in low ranks.
Ok but I have issues with the Twitch drops, I’ve recieved the voice line but the skin is still locked!
Thanks for the communication!
If you’re going to force things like map pools on us at the very least lower the priority weighting on KOTH maps, especially Busan. 10+ Busan’s a day vs 1 King’s row every 2-3 days is INSANE.
How about a blog addressing this launch and how terrible it is and how players are upset at the horrible pricing of the store?
Biggest joke yet is they still sell Bastion skins in the store.
Imagine how much worse it is in high ranks where almost the entire roster drops into irrelevancy.
Do you really think that giving us an ugly skin on a character we don’t play will make up for the fact that your game is buggy from A to Z?
Rip symmetra, she will get nerfed in coming patch and genji will get buffed cause they’d nerf the dps passive which also helped sym to a degree and give genji compensation buffs but sym and torb will be gutted
(My bad I accidentally replied to your comment)