Overwatch 2 Beta Twitch Drops Troubleshooting - UPDATED INFO

Add me to the list too noahash9#11622

theyre not having capacity issues theyre having distribution issues


Please let me on that list I’ve been here 9 hours now
Username: XCell#11556

I too am without access. I linked my Twitch and battlenet accounts via Twitch a couple weeks ago to get Heartstone gift and it worked.

But I noticed a couple hours ago that on my battlenet account, it said it wasn’t linked. I did that just in case, but nothing changed. Also did all the steps people recommended, to no avail.

Big thanks to the people working on this. If y’all can’t get it done tonight please drop a message in the forum so folks know.
Bless up for the 8 hour crew!


Going in 9 hours soon. I believe in yall!

Battle tag is Zanplify #1868

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Green and Blue, you still there? :3


Just here to add my name to the list.

TranQ#11240 :pray:

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Snafu#11837 on bnet

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If it matters that I post my btag here it is > Princess#13746 been waiting since 5pm EST.

we got a green about 10 min ago or so maybe 15 now but yea

iBuyPowder#11891 8 hrs later… How is this still not working? :confused:

Still here. I am monitoring the thread here, mostly to see those reporting back that they got in. Andy is still likely doing things on his end, which I can’t help much on.


adding mine to the list


Never do drops again please. No more of this.


You act like they can’t just order more server spots. You understand servers are scalable, no? Its not like they are an indie company.

still waiting with anticipation, although its fading fast

claimed and on 8 hours

havent gotten in yet! 8 hours

adding mine to the list
