Overclocked GPUs are illegal now?

Hey, thanks for letting me know ahead of time that my overclocked GPU would be not very compatible with your game. I really enjoyed losing 50 SR and getting locked out of comp due to the fact that your garbage program crashed right as the game started, thus giving me an auto loss. LOVE that feature.

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Why are you playing competitive mode without a stable computer system?

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Overwatched hasn’t crashed unless my graphics drivers were out of date, and even then never at the beginning of a match. So it has nothing to do with a stable computer system. Legitimately the error code I got said “You shouldn’t be playing Overwatch with an overclocked GPU; we recommend factory settings. Eat dirt.”

I overclock for other games; who’d have thought that Overwatch wouldn’t like that.

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Are you looking to troubleshoot the error that popped up (need clarification on what it actually was)? Otherwise this sounds like General feedback about game policy, which should be placed in the General forum.