Our progress so far

Thank you Jeff, but as a console player, you still have some work to do. Hopefully you can help XboxOne and PS4.

Very cool. Are you guys considering adding a region and/or language filter to make it easier to get better latency and communication?

Gotta say, as someone who is used to the toxic community of League of Legends, Blizzard is admittedly very good at keep toxic and unhelpful players out of the game. Great work!

On an unrelated note, what are your thoughts on Mercy at the moment? Many Mercy players are unhappy with her current kit and many OTHER players are unhappy with her current strength (which is to say, she’s OP). Thoughts?

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my endorsement level is 3 when do I get free stuff Kappa

Glad to hear these are working well.

I’d love to see endorsement features be unbanned in Arcade, at least for the standard 6v6 matchmaking modes, so we could get the same benefits there.

that is so awesome to here! :smiley:

Jeff, thank you for speaking to the player base directly, it means a lot to all of us. I don’t understand what the point of PTR is though. It’s supposed to be for working out bugs, reporting imbalances before the changes go to live servers, right?

In Symmetra’s PTR, Torbjorn got bugged somehow, where his sentry gun once destroyed, it would not allow you to re-place it again for about 3-4 seconds, even after the cooldown was up. You could press shift like it was ready to place, be in the builder phase, and click and click and it wouldn’t place down. We reported that during PTR, and it was never fixed. It’s still an issue with the game on the live servers, even now.

We reported that Symmetra’s Primary attack after being adjusted was too weak. That was never fixed, and now about 95% of the player base can all agree, that her “Primary” attack should almost never be used. This is a problem. Can you address these issues please?

Also… What is the point of PTR? None of the issues we report get addressed.


Thank you for updating us on this Jeff. We really appreciate this update. I pray that these numbers decrease even more as you guys improve the system.

You want to fix toxicity ? Fix the game first. Toxicity is a result of frustratiion.
Go read topic like this one I, a top 500 player, am quitting overwatch, or going to barely play. Here is why Blizzard needs to wake up - #152 by CamKitty-1274
Understand that poeple are sick of low skill = high reward mechanics , that the ladder comp is broken. And that in my 10 last games 8 involved one of the 2 teams trolling.

Once you balanced your game, work out a nice comp ladder, people will trust it and stop being toxic.

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I hate to ask here, but could you guys please address the balance? Really? I think it has a huge effect on toxicity. Tons of heroes - more than half - are not competitively viable right now. It really makes people mad when they can’t play what they want, and it makes people mad when they lose because one of their teammates went off-meta (and right now that’s about 2/3 of heroes). It’s a really severe problem and I think addressing it would do more about toxicity than really anything else you could do.

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Toxicity is far more than a result of frustration. Yes, frustration is a big part of it and balancing the game better would lower it, but toxicity is an accumulation of many things, like frustration, human nature, effect of the environment (i.e. how the day went for a person), and sometimes people are just toxic because that is who they are. So simply balancing the game won’t solve everything. It will be there regardless, besides this is a start. Maybe soon they will get on the balance to reduce toxicity.


Yeah, but guess on what part blizzard devs have control on ?
Yes , right! The games balance!

But the balance is a big issue.

I mean, there’s a huge laundry list of heroes, that if someone on my team picks them, my only thought about them the entire match will be “What is that idiot doing, they’re going to make us lose”. It’s like half the heroes or more! And I’m not wrong, they do suck, and I lose the vast majority of matches where we have one. And that’s in qp - comp is even worse!

I can’t even play comp right now because I’m a support and of all of the support heroes I play - Moira, Lucio, Ana, and Brigitte - not one is viable. 2/3 of the roster IS NOT VIABLE. This is a huge problem!

I wonder how they got these stats. How can you even track toxicity?

  • Can they see if toxicity with voice chats has decreased?
  • Are they looking at toxicity with chat only? (This could explain why there is no EU stats. There are more than 1 languages in the EU.)
  • Or are they looking at the reports being made? Shouldn’t there not be less (false) reports now thanks to the private profiles?

Thanks, it’s good to hear people are being nicer to each other. These are really awesome numbers!

Could we get an update on the current state of mercy? If you guys plan to change anything or are listening to us or…anything?

So if I’m understanding this correctly that means 71-74% of the people who were being toxic in America are still carrying on as usual. And even more so in South Korea.

ha ha, now we know that anyone making threads about the updates “making no difference” or “wearing off” was completely talking out of their ***.

How do you measure if someone is “Abusive”? And how can you possibly count all the instances of players being abusive? Not all cases of “abusiveness” are reported.

My point being, is you simply cannot know every single case of someone being “abusive” (no matter how Blizzard defines it) therefore you cannot give even remotely correct statistics of how many cases of “abusiveness” is down.

I will be extremely lucky if I can go 2 competitive games without someone being “abusive”.

Honestly the only thing this statistic tells me is that people aren’t reporting abusive chat as much because the system simply just doesn’t work. It works for the extreme outliers, but not by far the majority of cases.

If you were to tell me that the number of reports received are similar to when the game first game out, or when the reporting system was revamped, I would change my opinion. But the only thing you have really done is provide percentages of an unknown number.

Facts are stubborn, but statistics are more pliable. -Mark Twain

Case and point:

The original poster has pornographic mentions in their name. Would I let my daughter play this game? Absolutely not. “Dad what’s ________?”

This user has over twelve hundred posts. So obviously… has been around for awhile. This means that:

A) The moderators have failed to do their jobs.
B) The reporting system is ineffective. Or
C) Not enough people will bother reporting someone for something like this.

My personal opinion is that C) is the correct choice. I just think people don’t care for the most part to report every piece of toxicity or abusive chat that they see in game. They just want to play their game, and enjoy shooting others in a virtual reality.

Plain and simple, to be blunt but not rude, your statistics mean absolutely nothing. And the community in Overwatch is prime evidence for that statement. Just log on, and play the game.


I still don’t know how EU is as toxic as people make it out to be.

I have been in this server for two years and the amount of toxicity I encountered in these two years I met them in 20 games in NA. I even met people whining in a premade QP match after lfg like twice in those 20 games while in EU’s they were chill as they could get.

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someone teach me abusive korean words

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