Our progress so far

Can you fire Geoff Goodman?


Not to be a debbie downer, but iā€™d like to see the stats 4 months from now and compare them to before endorsements were part of the game. Of course youā€™re going to have data that supports the reduced toxicity but itā€™s the same idea of releasing a new heroā€¦ their playrate is going to skyrocket.

Edit: the demand for wanting a high endorsement rating will fade and people will not care as much later down the road IMO.

Why do devs always write in colored text

people have more interest in what devs have to say than random joes so it sticks out.

Thanks papa Kaplan, youā€™re the best!

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Wish I could actually see an effect in the EU cause its still toxic every match I go in

Can you guys please for the love of the game fix SR! I went from high platinum to low gold because I keep getting put with people who quit. Its very frustrating and honestly makes me want to quit the game. How can I go from 2800 to 2190 in one season? It feels like you guys purposely place me in teams with people who have a high quit rate! Its hard to win 2 games in a row in gold because of the skill levels and everyone wants to play widow and hanzo. Can you please fix this!

Im still waiting for this post to be finished.

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Iā€™m still getting harassed multiple times every time I play for having a platinum portraitframe. (=

Havenā€™t gotten anything but duplicates in the last 10 lootboxes. Whatā€™s the point of playing exactly?

aw you are beautiful jeff.

if it makes you feel any better I went from gold to bronze in one season because of trolling team mates and its been a constant struggle since season 2. :smiley:

Damn EU, why you canā€™t be normal? ;-;

Iā€™ll go ahead and post this here, I suppose. I wonā€™t use the LFG option anymore. One too many times Iā€™ve joined a group, having selected a support role only to be screamed at - ā€œPICK MERCYā€ and then kicked out or verbally abused for the rest of the match when I donā€™t.

Iā€™m not a good Mercy.
I am not a Mercy main.
I have no desire to play Mercy.
There are other healers and other supports that are just as valid.

Role selection is nice, but there needs to be a better way to vet toxic players like that.

Please. From my experience, people only endorse for the XP.


Absolutely not. The vast majority of people I play with through LFG are quite serious about only endorsing players who earn it. And really, 50 xp? That gets you like 1/400 of a lootbox?

I do wish that QP and ranked endorsements were kept separate thoughā€¦

Jeff Kaplan, the new LFG system yes initially removed some of the toxicity within both competitive and noncompetitive environments within the console (PS community). However this game is getting stale for the console community and a lot of issues we highlight are generally ignored or finally acknowledged or noticed seasons later. Yes LFG prevents some abuse, but when accounts are so easy to obtain in the PS community then its easy for any user to bypass and repeatedly harass the community. So overall doesnā€™t resolve many ongoing issues for the console community. After playing many seasons of overwatch I can fundamentally say that competitive is now a joke and shouldnā€™t be called it at least on console. Mouse and keyboard users on consoles are on the rise every season and with the dynamic motions of a mouse is stupidly easy to notice the community can easily spot it. Yes there is a community divide where the players say look thereā€™s no advantage via mouse to controller and comments well just get good. Its a unfair advantage and not everyone will be able to play with a mouse and keyboard. But mouse and keyboard users have a platform and we equally deserve a platform controller only. Seasons ago it used to be maybe 1 in 50+ games I might spot one. I find it regularly in QP, arcade and comp and frankly if you question them about it they will openly admit it. Recently i have messaged and met a few gm console players and taking in account on games watched verbal accounts theres two things i can take from.it quotinf them without witchhunting/ name shaming them. " ever since season 8 mouse and.keyboard has risen especially at rhe higher levels the only way to compete is to get them yourself as you canā€™t win against multiple mouse and keyboard users (skilled)eā€™s litterally no point in playing the game. An since now I find them regularly it makes the game unfun to play. Iā€™ve seen of used for win QP arcade and comp gains and it deeply sadens me that an average skilled player on mouse can beat well above theyā€™re true controller rank. Whatā€™s the point in calling it competitive if the rules arenā€™t? So my question to you Jeff Kaplan what are you going to do to ensure player sportsmanship and integrity to the game. Are you finally going to act upon mouse and keyboard an place bans on people for using underhand tactics to gain an unfair advantage or sit idly by as it destroys the console community and undermine the overwatch league as a whole.

hahahah thats bad lmao

Weā€™re is the hammon update it hasent update or asked for update so plz give me and answer

Honestly, I have a feeling theyā€™re not allowed to ban people for using controller emulators by MS and/or Sony. I donā€™t see why else Blizzard toned down the language used when talking about it.