Our progress so far

That’s really good to know!
Let’s keep going :smiley:

After today’s plays I’m really started to think EU isn’t as great and that’s why they don’t want to share it.

It would be nice if you include the % of players FALSELY REPORTING other players.


Content being locked behind paywalls now despite high lootbox sales, effectively trying to split the community through your OWN actions. Yea, how IS that progress?


I am honestly starting to dislike the company at this point. I am telling you, no one really cares about the endorsement stuff and the LFG system if the game is horribly unbalanced. FIX YOUR MISTAKE NAMED SYMMETRA! FIX IT OR WE ALL QUIT MARK MY WORDS, all you will have left in this community is sad symmetra mains. I am a tank/support main and i want to be rewarded for the utility that i push out but instead im being burned down by turrets that aren’t even bigger then my fist?! NO! THIS HAS TO STOP! REVERT HER AND MAKE HER USELESS AGAIN.

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Why is EU not even mentioned?

As a South African player, we keep getting the short end of the stick: distant servers with crazy high latency, zero EU-friendly OWL match times, and an All-Access Pass that we can’t make full use of. Now we don’t even get included in the “global” insights?


That’s great, but can you do anything about false reporting and automated banning?

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Thanks for the updated! It’s nice to see that toxicity is going down within the game

I stopped playing because Overwatch is turning into Black Mirror.
I’m tired of being policed for every little mishap because snowflakes can’t take blunt criticism and think it is toxic just because the blunt facts need seasoning to cater to their precious little ego.

If someone is bad at something and makes our team lose the game, I’m gonna ask them to switch while I’m dead, I’m not gonna write them an emotional letter of 3 pages on how they could play better.

If Jeff is gonna take the game in this direction, well I’m off in another direction.
Enjoy your snowflakes community.

PS: And btw I’ve never been banned or punished in any way, this is just a matter of principles.


I think the playerbase being low also helps

You don’t speak for me, and your ‘no one really cares…’ comment is completely false.

LFG itself has had a huge positive impact on the Competitive aspect of the game. Endorsements probably not so much but I am sure they help somewhat.

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Hey Jeff I doubt you are reading This but if you are could you check my recent post about an idea for a new healer? I think it would be a very different and cool idea for a healer and a hero in general. Thanks.

Where is my shenanigans button? I still won’t go into comp. I haven’t even ranked at this point still finding abusive chat about every corner I turn, lack of participation, game throwing, it is nothing new for the Americas as far as I am concerned. Some people have simply gone from abusive to just rude such as “I am ignoring you” or “You suck at Mercy” or “Why are you not letting go of that ult you stupid moron?”
It has essentially just downgraded to that grey area that Blizzard won’t do anything about either. You can call it name calling or childish acts but it ultimately can kill someones moral and kill team coordination that may happen to exist. But at the same time too, the automated system for banning is what drives people away from chatting now. I have encountered games where it is childish talk that Blizzard don’t ban for, or people who simply won’t talk.
You may have killed “toxic chat” but the endorsement system is breaking other things. You are simply going to have to make your automated ban system better and actually have staff to sift through reports and determine action more often.

Honestly this comment makes it seem like you are just super salty because you can’t destroy a few turrets. Maybe you getting killed isn’t the game being broken, it’s just your lack of skill. I’m not saying this to be salty or toxic and I’m sorry if it comes off that way, I’m just speaking the truth as I see fit.

The endorsement system seems completely pointless at the moment. Any chance of it having some purpose or meaning?

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Well, it’s not ‘pointless’…

I personally received a few lootboxes from the system. Not sure if it’s a monthly reward or some other time period though.

The point of having an endorsement system is to get lootboxes? I think you’re missing my point.
Your endorsement level is indicative of how much you play the game and pretty much nothing else. We already have the level system for that. What’s the point of endorsements?

I don’t see progress
I see the game dying, and thats on you

Ranked is dead.
I have 6 accounts on the game most of them are high master, diamond and plat.
And I came to thos conclusions for EU server:

People are not ranked properly.
I saw plats with good gamesens and aim, I saw Master players completly boosted that don’t understand the game and have bad mechanical skills.
The reasons: The winstreak system doesn’t value wins anymore, so people cannot escape their elo.
A lot of low skill = high reward heros. The skill celling of this game is lower and lower after each patch.

Ranked games feel random:
There is not perfect match making so thats not to blame,
The meta thow is full no brain, people lose intested are tilted by : Press Q meta, mercy/moira/brigitte low skill = high reward thing.

The queue time in EU servers went to less than 1 minutes in 2017 to at least 4 minutes.
People feel tired, frustrated, and toxic.
And thats your fault Devs, yes you Jeff Kapplan from the overwatch team blabla,
You buit a game with a rank ladder, the ladder is now broken and people are falling from it (metaphore for people leaving the game) !



If you’re trying to make Overwatch a better place then fix this problem.

Reports are being abused on Sym mains and this player flexes.

Sorry I don’t think OTP sym getting banned are a priority or even an issue.